Since the 1970’s, nutrition has attempted to isolate specific foods or nutrients related to health outcomes and as a result recommendations have focused on reducing dietary fat, especially saturated fat (SFA) and cholesterol associated with meat, eggs, and dairy. 

The belief was fat caused heart disease and obesity. 

Since then, these recommendations have led to a 35% decrease in consumption of beef, and eggs, and dairy, but there has been no change in incidences of heart disease or obesity, and diabetes has increased dramatically.  🤔 

Yet red meat continues to be the scapegoat. Why…?

Red meat does not have a magical property that creates havoc on the body. 

Excess food and calories do.

So how can we understand the quality of oils and fats as it relates to human health, the answer is complicated. One question you must ask is are these fats and oils as different as we have been led to believe in the media. 

Most importantly- What does science say?

Once we account for calories, which is the most important part to begin with, the actual composition of these oils is next. Let’s take beef, you have undoubtedly heard that red meat is bad because it is high in saturated fat and olive oil is good because it is high in monounsaturated fat, oleic acid. But oleic acid is also a large percent of the fatty acid in beef fat. So how can we reconcile this?  

We can do this by taking a step back and look at the nutrition as a whole and stop making ridiculous claims that further confuse the public. Mass agenda does not mean mass education. 
So what are you eating for dinner?


