I gave birth to Payson out of the hospital and I’m passionate about birth and love to share my story on going against the norm. However I also know the importance of c-sections in certain situations and I am very thankful modern technology can be used in instances where it’s needed.

In the event I ever am faced with a c-section I would like to be as informed as possible beforehand so I’ve put together a little information on a gentle c-section.

Depending on the situation you can pick and choose certain aspects to create your ideal birth atmosphere. Not everything can always be done of course and some things might be different in a planned vs. emergency c-section but this is a general list. Here are some of the things you can incorporate.

1. Ask for an epidural or spinal block instead of general anesthesia
2. Request that anesthesiologists do not automatically give extra drugs to relax so mom can be fully present for the experience
3. If mom can’t be conscious, dad should be allowed to hold baby skin-to-skin immediately after birth, barring any medical complications
4. Ask for monitoring devices to be placed in unobtrusive areas that don’t impact the ability to see, hold or breastfeed baby
5. Ask to watch baby lifted from your belly through clear drape or ask for the normal drape to be lowered as baby is lifted if you don’t want to see all the things
6. Mom’s gown can be lowered and baby placed on chest while mom is being sutured- must not have arms strapped down for this so ask for that as well
7. Baby can breastfeed immediately while in the OR
8. Delay cord clamping until it stops pulsing
9. Request the placenta be saved/frozen until discharge from hospital
10. Music of parents’ choice playing in the OR
11. Ask doctors and nurses to refrain from shop talk
12. Ask for a vaginal swab— when babies are born vaginally they get all the good microbes from the birth canal that help build a healthy microbiome. You can ask for a swab of your vagina and rub it on your baby’s skin and mouth. 
13. Baby can be held by mom while taken to recovery
14. Typical post-birth procedures like cleaning and weighing baby can be delayed 

15. A doula, grandparent or friend can photograph the birth so parents don’t have to worry about it

Hospitals all have different policies so if you have the ability to discuss beforehand if it’s a planned situation that’s a good idea so you know what things they allow or not. Some of these things are becoming more of the norm but some still get some resistance.

This list is all from Mama Natural. If you’ve experienced this type of birth and have anything else to add to ask for leave a comment below!

Source: ‪

“What you eat on special occasions is insignificant compared to what you eat day in and day out.” I saw that quote last night and I thought it was so appropriate for this week as lots of people will be celebrating Christmas and eating food outside of the norm.

I definitely embrace all the delicious holiday food and I don’t stress too much about it but I do try to make certain things a bit better. I don’t do all the cooking for our Christmas meals but when I’m in charge of a certain dish I make healthier swaps. This year I’m making corn casserole.

There is nothing redeeming about corn casserole! It doesn’t have a high nutritional profile and corn is actually pretty inflammatory for a lot of people but I make it better by:
1. Using organic corn and cornbread. Corn is a GMO crop so it’s very important to make sure it’s organic, especially because you want to avoid glyphosate sprayed corn. I found this organic cornbread mix at Kroger. (Side note- I don’t normally shop at Kroger but HEB and Whole Foods were both out of organic cornbread mix so I found this one. Any good Kroger finds y’all know of?! Maybe I need to go there more often.)
2. This recipe calls for a whole stick of butter. The more butter, the better is what I always say… but only if it’s high quality! I use my absolute favorite Kerrygold grass fed butter.
3. Not picture are the two eggs- pasture raised and organic from Vital Farms.
4. Sour cream— always organic as well. Conventional dairy is no good. 

By using better ingredients you can still enjoy your favorite not so healthy Christmas dishes and know that you’ve made them a little bit better. & also if you haven’t had corn casserole you’re missing out!

Better late than never, right? 😂 Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you have had some time to relax over the last week and soak up family time and delicious food.

I started this account to share my journey with cutting toxins in products and foods but I also partially started to share more about miscarriage awareness. For those new here- we lost two sweet babies before having Payson this year. I know what it’s like to endure holidays after miscarriages so my heart is going out to all of you still in the waiting period. To those of you who have reached out to me- I’m praying for you. 

I never imagined I’d be sharing about any of this stuff because 5 years ago this was all so foreign to me but I’m thankful I can share what I know now to help others. I hope y’all have a Happy New Year! 💙

I recently mentioned this on my stories but I wanted to make a post on this. YOU are in charge of your health so don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself.

At 6 weeks postpartum I started seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist (I am a firm believer that every single woman needs to see one after birth but that’s a topic for another day. 🙃) I saw her for about 2.5 months and didn’t feel like she was really addressing me properly. I did a lot of research online and started following other PT’s on here and saw what they were talking about and realized that my PT was not properly assessing me or putting me on the right path for my specific body so I decided I needed to get a second opinion.

I have now been seeing another PT for only a few weeks and I am absolutely shocked at the difference. It is a complete 180 compared to my prior one and I already feel ten times better and I’m getting the proper guidance.

I will no longer be going back to the first PT and this is my reminder to you- any healthcare provider you go to works for you. Read that last sentence again. You hire them to help you with your health. If they are not working for you then go see someone else. Why would you continue to pay someone who isn’t working out?  

You also need to do your own research. You don’t need a special degree to get online and research anything you’re dealing with. If I hadn’t done that then I’d still be with the original PT who was honestly just never going to help me. I have learned SO many things on my own about various health issues and that is what has allowed me to heal my body in the past and in this instance it is what has helped me get to a qualified provider. 

Nobody knows your body better than you and nobody cares about your body more than you so it is really up to you to take charge. Don’t be afraid of hurting anyone’s feelings. I had no issues calling up my original PT and cancelling future appointments and telling them I was under someone else’s care. Your health is more important than being afraid to stop seeing someone who isn’t helping you.

30 will always be one of my favorite years because it brought me Payson so I’m sad to see it go.

I thought it would be fun to do 31 facts about myself for those that don’t know me! 

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with my birthday but I don’t have any recent pictures of just myself and if you don’t post your wedding photos for the rest of your life did you even get married? 🤪

In an ideal world I would be getting all my greens from food butttt we all know sometimes our diets are lacking so supplements can be helpful. I started taking this while pregnant and have continued to do so postpartum. It's a supplement with a chlorophyll formula designed to boost vitality by working with the glandular, nervous and circulatory systems. It contains spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp, and the therapeutic essential oils of Melissa, Lemongrass, Lemon and Rosemary.
The benefits include:

  • Spirulina – Rich in Magnesium, improves energy and metabolism, detoxifies, targets the immune system, liver, kidneys, intestinal flora, and cardiovascular system.

  • Alfalfa Sprouts – High in chlorophyll and minerals.

  • Barley Grass – Powerful antioxidant rich in vital minerals.

  • Bee Pollen – High in protein, minerals, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper and B vitamins

  • Eleuthero – Boosts energy, reduces stress, strengthens lymphocyte formation, which strengthens the immune system.

  • Pacific Kelp – Contains nutrients to support the endocrine system.

  • Melissa, Lemongrass, Lemon and Rosemary essential oils are added to enhance the absorption of nutrients and help to support a health immune system and emotional well-being

    Always talk to your healthcare professional about any supplements!


