The following photo & caption are from @irina_ireadlabelsforyou.
To learn about Earth’s Best formulas, visit here: or click on the link in my profile/bio.
I formulated my opinion about these US #BabyFormulas based on:
✅Organic ingredients
❌Plastic packaging; when the content is liquid, plastic tends to leach more
❌Carrageenan (some scientists believe that even in an undegraded form, it may be associated with gastrointestinal problems – not conclusive)
⚠️Palm oil (a 2003 study (PMID: 12728082) showed that it may interfere with calcium absorption and thus contribute to lower bone density, a 2005 study (PMID: 15990636) showed it’s not true)
⚠️Other sweeteners or sugars in addition to lactose
⚠️Rice syrup (in general, baby food with rice tested higher in arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in 2019 Healthy Babies Bright Futures Report)
❌Liquid and packaged in plastic (may leach harmful compounds)
❌Enfamil contains carrageenan
⚠️Corn Sweeteners
⚠️Heavy on vegetables oils
⚠️High amounts of Vegetable oils
⚠️Polydextrose, a synthetic glucose
❌Liquid and packaged in plastic
Baby's Only®
✅Clean Label Purity Award
⚠️Brown Rice Syrup is listed first: In response to concerns about high arsenic levels, they created a high-tech filter that removes inorganic arsenic from brown rice syrup; however, in a 2019 Healthy Bright Futures report, it still tested positive for arsenic residues
HappyBaby Organic, Stage 1 & 2
✅Nothing other than lactose sweeteners in the amount of more than 1%
⚠️Palm Oil
HappyBaby Organic Sensitive
⚠️Instead of lactose: maltodextrin, glucose syrup solids
⚠️Palm Oil
✅No Palm Oil
✅No Other Sweeteners Besides Lactose
✅Clean Label Purity Award
You can learn more about Bobbie formula and Earth’s Best formulas in the Shop section of my website:
The following photos & caption are from @organic.gannett.
I never had to use formula with my children, but I looked into different options just in case. I personally would go with a European brand over anything in the US, even organic formulas.
The FDA and the European Commission both have standards that must be met as far as composition of breastmilk (ie. how many calories, carbs, fats, proteins, nutrients, etc). However, what Europe does differently than America is regulate more strictly what the SOURCE of these ingredients are. For example, America allows corn syrup and table sugar to be in formulas (it’s in most) where as Europe does not allow that as a source of sugar.
The two I have personally looked into and would choose to try first would be HiPP or Holle, though there are others as well. A few others that I believe are good, but haven’t personally looked into much are Loulouka, Kendamil, and Lebenswert.
Both HiPP and Holle formulas are certified organic apart from a few options for HiPP. European certifications for organic are more stringent than the America’s and therefore their organic quality is even better. The HiPP HA, AR, and Comfort varieties are not certified organic because they are specialty formulas that require protein hydrolysates which are not available in organic form. However, all other ingredients found in the formula are organic.
Holle contains the Demeter label which means they only get ingredients from farms that meet the international Demeter regulations. Demeter regulations require farmers adhere to strict biodynamic farming practices, zero pesticides, hormones, and overall good treatment of their animals (think pasture raised, high quality).
Do your due diligence to get the one you feel is best, but I hope this helps point you in the right direction!
Human Milk Fortifier
(Not medical advice, but this was our experience)
Almost all babies in the NICU are given human milk fortifier (HMF). It is a formula supplement added to the mom’s breast milk or donor breast milk to give it more calories and some minerals. It is often given across the board to all babies, regardless of gestational age or other factors, with the intention of helping the baby gain weight.
HFM is usually made from cow milk and therefore can be more difficult for little preemies to digest. There is also a known link to HMF and a severe infection called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). NEC is a common cause of death among preemies. It is thought to be caused because of the bovine proteins causing GI issues in the baby.
So, what are some other options?
👼🏻Ask about Prolacta. It is a HMF made from donated breast milk! Since it is human based and often much easier for preemies to digest! It is more expensive so some hospitals don’t carry it or won’t offer it up except for in certain instances. Even after Ezra had a bowel perforation, The hospital flat out told me he didn’t qualify for it because it was “a cost issue.” Prolacta, on average costs the hospital about $10,000 per baby. A NEC infection, on average, costs about $44,000. You do the math. We have an option out there that is better for babies AND could save money. Every hospital should have this for preemies.
👼🏻Ask if you can fortify with your hind milk! The second part of your milk is fattier and higher in calories! Pump for a few minutes to get out the foremilk (save it for later!) and then pump the hind milk to give to baby.
👼🏻Ask about options that may not be made from bovine! We were given the option to fortify with an amino acid formula if needed. The amino acid formulas, while still not the cleanest, are often easier for the baby to digest because the proteins are completely broken down already. There is also MCT oil and other oils that can be used for extra calories.
Cont in comments
There are so many options for baby formula these days that it can be overwhelming. And the problem is there’s no absolute wrong or right. It’s what’s important to you and your baby’s health, and your budget! All formulas will nourish your baby. These slides are just for information purposes to help you in making your decisions.
This is NOT a comprehensive list!
👉🏻NON GMO - means they did not use the gmo crops of soy, corn, canola, or sugar that survive when glyphosate is sprayed on them.
👉🏻Organic - means no gmo crops were used. No glyphosate used on any crops. No gmo feed given to the cows. No steroids, hormones, or antibiotics were given to the cows. 25 pesticides/herbicides used rather than the 900+ used on non organic.
👉🏻Why has European baby formula become so popular❓The big difference is in the standards held by the US and Europe.
Check out the EU standards above on the slide!!!
And many EU contain probiotics/prebiotics (U.S. ones are catching on to this importance) - these have been shown to help infants avoid GI conditions like reflux, constipation, and overall crying. When prebiotics were added to infant formula, babies were shown to have a microbiota resembling that of breastfed babies. They had a lower stool pH, better stool consistency and frequency, and a higher concentration of bifidobacterium in their intestines versus babies fed formula without prebiotics. (2,3)
If I were buying formula, these are the questions I’d ask:
❓Does it include probiotics/prebiotics?
❓Were the cows given growth hormones? Organic varieties won’t use growth hormones.
❓Is there glyphosate-sprayed GMO corn, soy, or sugar? Most likely yes, unless non-GMO or organic.
❓Were the cows given GMO feed? Most likely yes, unless labeled non-GMO or organic.
❓Is corn syrup or corn syrup solids the first ingredient?
❓What oil is used? Many claim palm oil is hardest on tummies.
👉🏻I understand that as a new mom finances can be very tight. It was for me. For a less expensive option, Kroger has an organic Simple Truth formula and Walmart has Parent's Choice Organic formula. If organic is just not in the budget, then try to choose a non-GMO option for formula.