@EssentiallyErin_ Group B Strep Highlight
Sharing my personal GBS+ protocol I used during pregnancy and birth. This is not medical advice. While GBS can be very serious for infants, it’s important to note that the risk is quite low, but still serious and any alternative approach needs to be discussed with your provider.
The US seems to be behind the rest of the world when it comes to GBS+ treatment while in birth. Testing in the US for GBS usually occurs in the late third trimester but the accuracy of the test is still up in the air; false positives and false negatives are common. Therefore you could get a negative result but actually be positive in birth. Moreover, GBS status can change often during pregnancy - you may be positive one week and negative a week or two later. However, with standard US testing only commonly happening once and only once in pregnancy; it’s hard to tell.
Standard Us Treatment is IV antibiotics in labor. Research looks promising in other treatments but evidence based research can take years to be implemented into a hospital. It’s also important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle in pregnancy to aid in your chances to not pass GBS on to baby in birth.
Sources in comments. More info at ebb and additional articles on the Cochrane study, pros and cons are available. Additional information for csections and gbs + are available in sources.