I bet if I took a poll from people who use Young Living oils this one would definitely be close to the top of everyone’s list. This oil is such a powerhouse with helping your immune system. I diffuse this every single night in our bedroom and you should too! Sick family member:➡️ Thieves Runny Noses ➡️Thieves Flu ➡️ Thieves Sinus Infection ➡️Thieves… you get where I’m going with this one... Does this oil completely keep you from getting sick? No, no product can guarantee you won’t ever get sick but when used consistently this can help clear the germs in your home and boost your immune system and help you out when you DO get sick as well. I really don’t think any home should be without this oil. Plus it smells like Christmas! 🎄
I love finding foods that are a hit in my house than I can buy over and over again without even having to think about it. That is how Siete chips are for me.
When I first began changing up my diet to cleaner food, I was overwhelmed when I went to the grocery store. I eventually got into a rhythm and wasn’t overwhelmed anymore but in the beginning these chips saved me. Corey and I both liked them and I trusted the brand and ingredients so I knew no matter what, I could grab a bag of these for each week. The ingredients are simple: cassava flour, avocado oil, coconut flour, ground chia seed, sea salt, citric acid and lime oil. These are also made in a dedicated gluten free facility. Most importantly, they taste good! Sometimes “cleaner” food just doesn’t quite hit the mark when compared to the traditional food but that’s not the case here. I stock up on these weekly. I love that they sell them at HEB now! It makes it much more convenient for me to buy. I suggest grabbing a bag during your next grocery trip.
I’m a snacker. I always have been and probably always will be. 🤷🏻♀️I need an afternoon snack and these crackers are some of my go-tos. I dip them in hummus.
I have praised Simple Mills before but really; it’s because their foods are THAT good. If you can’t eat gluten, these crackers are a really good option for you! They’re made with only 8 ingredients. 👍🏼 Are you checking the ingredients on other brands at the store? It’s so vital you read ingredients! There are no preservatives in these crackers, which I love. These are also soy free, which for me is awesome because I avoid soy as it is an endocrine disruptor. Happy snacking!
Go check out your hand soap right now. Does it have fragrance or parfum? If so, toss it!
Here’s the deal- a lot of hand soaps are just full of junk. Most people wash their hands several times a day so if you’re using toxic chemicals, you’re being exposed several times a day to them. This is the soap we have at every downstairs bathroom in our house. (Still working on the upstairs, currently don’t have anyone using those sinks) I personally love foaming hand soaps over gels and that’s what this stuff is.
There are no sulfates, dyes, synthetic fragrances or harsh chemicals. It’s infused with Thieves oil so you’re getting rid of ALL the germs when you wash your hands, which is majorly important as your hands touch everything. I challenge you this week to make this super easy swap in your home!
When the weather is warm, my husband and I go out to the deer lease/ranch a lot. I absolutely love it! I didn’t grow up hunting or fishing and I love that I married into an outdoorsy family because it’s allowed me to experience all sorts of new things! A lot of time outdoors= peeing in the woods. HA If I’m just being honest. It also means holding a fish we just caught but then eating lunch on the Polaris. Point is—when you don’t have access to a sink, this stuff is great to have on hand. This stuff doesn’t dry out your hands out & as the name suggests, leaves the nice clean scent of Thieves behind. This stuff kills 99.9% of germs. 🙌🏻These are great to throw in your purse as well. You never know when you might need it!
I love citrus oils in the warmer weather. Grapefruit is perfect to add to water but also nice to diffuse on a summer day. Throw a few drops in your diffuser on a sunny day. ☀️☀️
I use things way more often when they’re in a cute bottle/container. 😛 I’m a sucker for Etsy that’s for sure! You can use Thieves cleaner & Lemon essential oil to make a DIY glass cleaner. This is great for mirrors too!
1 cap Thieves Household Cleaner
3 cups of water
1 teaspoon white vinegar
5 drops Lemon essential oil
I cook Mexican food at least once a week. It’s our favorite! We go through a lot of salsa and taco sauce. I recently found this sauce at Whole Foods and I love it. Of course, Siete makes it so it’s no surprise that it tastes good! Scroll to the second page and check out the ingredients.
Guys, it’s not hard to find foods without junk in them! Cutting out the preservatives and chemicals and “fake foods” is SO worth it. You eat multiple times a day, so make sure you’re not ingesting the junk in a lot of processed foods. I’m here to help you find swaps and this is a GOOD one. We also put this on scrambled eggs and it tastes just as good on them. Sauces help spice up foods so make sure you’re not choosing the bad ones. 🌮🌮
Taking a break from my regular toxin free posts to share some macaron goodness with ya! My friend started making these when she couldn’t find someone to make treats for her daughter’s birthday and now she has created her own little business.
THESE. ARE. SO. GOOD. I had her make these special 30th birthday ones for my girlfriend and they were such a hit! I hadn’t ever really had a macaron before so I didn’t know what to expect but I tried some last night and 😋😋😋. If you’re local to the Houston/Katy area check her out @bombshellmacarons.
I’ve experimented with a few laundry detergents but the one I keep landing on is the Young Living Thieves Laundry Soap. If you are still using a detergent with harsh chemicals, this is a great alternative. We literally wear clothes all the time so the chemicals in detergents are on us all the time.
Chemicals are not bad—it’s the toxic chemicals that you want to get rid of! This is just a tangent but if something claims that it’s a good product because it’s chemical free, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything! That could very well be a marketing gimmick because the goal isn’t to get away from chemicals. Those are inevitable; the goal is to kick out toxic chemicals.
This detergent is free from SLS, Dyes, Formaldehyde, Phosphates, Synthetic perfumes and optical brighteners. It is extremely concentrated so a little goes a long way. I even recorded a little DIY hack in my stories (saved on highlights) to show you how to make the detergent last EVEN longer. I use this in my HE machine but it will work in any machine. It has a fresh citrus scent and you can get 64 loads out of one bottle.
When I travel I always take oils with me, duh! I found this bag on Etsy from Baggage and Co and I thought it was just too cute. It has little pockets on the inside that fit each individual oil bottle and then extra space in the middle to throw anything else in there. I use this when we travel because it keeps the oils nice and snug so I don’t have to worry about them clanging around everywhere. I love supporting small businesses so go give her a follow! She makes the cutest bags. 💗
I have been using avocado, coconut or olive oil for a while now but I ran out so when I went to HEB to stock up on a new one I saw this organic Chosen Foods blended spray. It looked interesting to me so I decided to try it out. It’s a mix of safflower, coconut and avocado oils. I love that it is USDA certified organic and the only ingredients are the 3 oils. There are no chemicals, propellants or preservatives. I’ve been using it for a little while now and I love it. I use spray a lot while cooking so it’s important for me to use a safe one.
The Food Babe has a whole entire article dedicated to why you shouldn’t use canola, vegetable, corn or cottonseed oils like ever! Just Google –canola oil food babe- and it should pop up. Check it out- message me for the link if you don’t want to Google. 👍🏼
There isn’t much explanation needed for this post. Until we live in a world without mosquitoes, Citronella will be necessary! 🦟 I’ve shared a DIY bug spray before but you can also just throw the oil straight into a diffuser and let it run while you’re outside. Of course, since this is a Young Living oil, it comes with the Seed to Seal promise that it is the highest quality oil. 👍🏼