I have been meaning to put together a list of MTHFR resources for a while and I finally got around to it!

I first found out I had MTHFR in June of 2018. I was seeing a functional medicine doctor and she did a full blood panel on me and this is when the MTHFR showed up. At the time I didn't really know anything about it. The blood work results she gave me were literally 13 pages long so this was just one of many things we went over when we went over everything. I didn't even really give it any thought at the time because I was focused on the other parts of the blood work. It wasn't until after my second miscarriage that I really started to dive in and start researching it more.

I wish I would have saved all of my research from the beginning but unfortunately I didn't. I had no clue how much I would dive into it in the future so I didn't think to save it all. I have compiled a lot of articles and resources that I will list here though. There is constantly new research being done and I see new stuff all the time so I will add to this list as I find more resources. I don't want this to be a stagnant list.

Dr. Ben Lynch is an expert here so a lot of what I have is from him. I highly recommend following him on Instagram (@drbenlynch) and getting his book "Dirty Genes".


You should be able to click on each link. Let me know if any of them don't work. 

I have written a few posts that I will link here as well.

MTHFR and Pregnancy

Folate vs. Folic Acid

Prenatal with Proper Folate

It all Starts with the Egg

Dr. Brighten Folate vs. Folic Acid

Homocysteine and Miscarriage


Folic Acid and Pregnancy

Folic Acid Side Effects

Folic Acid and Pregnancy

Low Homocysteine

Folic Acid and Homocysteine

Tongue Tie and MTHFR 

Folate vs. Folic Acid and Prenatal

MTHFR Gene Mutation

Lily Nichols Folic Acid vs. Folate

Diet vs. Disease

Mutations Explained in Plain English

MTHFR and Sugar

Science Direct - Lowering Homocysteine for Recurring Pregnancy Loss

@Innate_Fertility Folate/Folic Acid Stories

@Innate_Fertility Methylation Highlight

Lily Nichols Folate Highlight

@Organic.Gannett MTHFR Highlight

Helpful Facebook Groups:

MTHFR: TTC, Pregnancy and Loss

MTHFR and Conception, Pregnancy, Parenting and Overall Health

I am constantly researching MTHFR so as I get new information I will add it to this list. I'll keep this list saved in my Instagram profile for you to easily find! I also have an MTHFR highlight on my page where I share lots of info. Find me @thetoxinfreetexan. I'm happy to answer any questions you have as well!

Methylation has a significant impact on many biochemical reactions in the body that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive and detoxification systems.

As you can imagine, if this is impaired, many problems begin to occur. 

If enough 5-mthf (folate) is present, the methylation cycle will work efficiently but unfortunately more and more people are starting to have a genetic expression that makes it challenging for their bodies to create enough 5-mthf.

What other things are impacted when methylation isn’t happening?
-nitric oxide

My favorite genetic test is the Strategene from seeking health. You can order this by clicking “seeking health” in my bio. The book ‘dirty genes’ is amazing.

My favorite ways to support methylation are through diet and to support all the cofactors needed. Not to directly supplement folate.

A diet rich in bioavailable B vitamins from pasture raised animals is foundational. Avoid vegetable and seed oils. Consume plenty of healthy fats from pasture raised animals, avocado and coconut. 

Avoid fortified foods

Get plenty of sunlight, even if its cloudy

Engage in things that bring JOY, this lowers your stress

Exercise but not overexercising.

Supplemental support with things like
-beef liver/organs (perfect supplements) 
-multiple forms of magnesium (smidge brand, linked in bio)
-minerals like ct minerals from cellcore or biofulvic minerals (linked in my bio)

And liver support in the form of:
Castor oil packs (linked in bio)
Tudca or liver/kidney support from Cellcore (message me to order)
Liver supportive teas

Supplemental B vitamins if necessary:
I like the seeking health B minus Or the Pure Genomics B complex. You can find both in my wellevate or fullscript 

I start with diet and supplementing the cofactors to methylation versus folate directly because sometimes the body cannot tolerate it. You have to get the other systems in place to be able to properly methylate. And if you begin to methylate too quickly, you will likely feel like crap or feel agitated.


