In case you missed my stories over the weekend, my FAVORITE mattress brands are running their Black Friday sales right now... so if you're looking to upgrade your mattress, now's the best time to buy. (You'll find all the discount codes and links in my bio - @environmentaltoxinnerd)
Every time I share my favorites, I get folks asking me "what about this brand??"
I can't vet every product, but I CAN teach you about meaningful certifications to look for.
Companies will often have and display an array of certifications to help consumers have more confidence in their products, but not all certifications are equal. Unless you know what you're looking at and looking for, it's possible you could be buying a mattress that doesn't meet the standards that you want. ⠀
Note: companies should freely post their certifications (not just the logos) on their website, or provide them on request, and these certifications should be made out in the name of the company (not a remote factory in Asia). ⠀
Swipe through to learn about the most common certifications that are found in the non-toxic mattress space! ⠀
You can also find my mattress recommendations over at or at the link in my bio (SHOP > Mattresses). ⠀
Certainly, not everyone can afford a $2K-5K+ mattress, so if you have a conventional mattress, especially a memory foam mattress which off-gas a lot of harmful chemicals, you can consider wrapping your mattress in a 5ml think polyethylene plastic. This will seal in any toxic chemicals and gasses. These are inexpensive and readily available online. ⠀
For comfort, and to reduce the rustling noise from the plastic, you can top your wrapped mattress with an organic wool or latex topper. Nearly all of the companies on my mattress recommendation page sell these! ⠀
**Babies are the most vulnerable to toxins in bedding. Prioritize spending more on an organic, non-toxic crib and child mattresses since they spend so much time sleeping! ⠀
What are you sleeping on?
Getting ready to upgrade soon?
Need help deciding? check out my recommendations!
Buying a ‘non-toxic’ mattress is one of the biggest investments you might make in your non-toxic living journey.
It can be confusing to figure out which mattress to buy, which claims to trust & if you really need to buy one at all. You might, literally, loose sleep over the issue.
🌿An organic mattress is a better surface, from a toxicity perspective, to sleep on than a conventional mattress. Even small amounts of toxins that can off gas close to you for hours/ every day will add up & contribute to our ’toxic burden’
🌿Organic mattresses can be more $$ (but not all!)
🌿Babies & young children are more vulnerable to toxins than adults so- if you have to choose/ prioritize, get an organic mattresses for your baby/child 1st
🌿The mattress industry can be sneaky: it’s hard to find out what’s inside mattresses & terms like ‘organic’ & ‘natural’ are used very loosely. Close to 40% of mattress companies refuse to fully disclose all materials used
❗️PU foam, memory foam, soy foam
👎🏼Off gassing releases harmful VOC’s assoc with eye, nose & throat irritation, headaches & cancer
👎🏼These toxins are given off at a ⬆️rate when the 🛏 is new, but continue to a lesser degree, to be leached into the air throughout a mattress' lifetime
👎🏼Soy foam can contain as little as 3-5% soy. The rest is PU.
❗️Flame-retardant chemicals
👎🏼by law all 🛏 must be flameproof
👎🏼To meet requirements conventional 🛏 use chemical flame retardants inc: antimony, boric acid or polyacrylonitrile.
😍Organic mattresses opt for naturally flame resistant wool instead
👎🏼Adhesives are used between coils or layers in a conventional 🛏; some 🛏 can contain up to up to 10lbs of glue in them.
👎🏼The most common adhesives used are linked to cancer, cognitive impairment) , are VOCs & repro toxin & contain other chemicals like hexane, heptane etc
🤩HOW TO CHOOSE A ‘Non- toxic’ 🛏
Look for these materials & certifications or a combo of them:
🌿GOTS organic cotton🌿GOLS latex🌿WOOL🌿@madesafecertified
🤩The full #blog post has my chosen 11 companies for non-toxic mattresses
😉They are listed from $ to $$$ link in bio