Lily Nichols Tips for Pregnancy

@PurelyParsons Highlight

Chronic acid reflux is caused by a combination of stress, diet, and pathogens (parasites, bacterial overgrowth, etc), with STRESS being the biggest precipitating factor in the beginning. When acid reflux becomes chronic, we see pathogens playing a huge part in the continuation and severity of symptoms. Leaky gut often arises, causing food sensitivities and furthering the problem. Acid reflux, commonly thought to be caused by “too much” stomach acid, is actually caused by too little stomach acid. 

Causes for Acid Reflux:
Stress: When the body is in constant fight or flight, it is not focused on digesting food, so digestive enzymes are not being released to support the proper breakdown of food. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies, symptoms of heartburn, & increase your susceptibility to parasitic infections & other pathogens. When symptoms first arise, stress is almost always to blame.

Diet: Processed foods, alcohol, & food sensitivities caused by leaky gut can cause increased symptoms of acid reflux. Acid reflux may also be exaggerated by acidic foods such as tomatoes, peppers, & spicy foods. This often occurs due to a damaged gut lining. 

Pathogens: Pathogens play a major part in the severity and continuation of acid reflux. Where there is chronic acid reflux there is often Parasites, SIBO, H. Pylori, Candida, & C. Diff… but why? Low stomach acid creates extreme dysbiosis in the gut (an imbalance in the good/bad bacteria) which contributes & further exacerbates the problem. When there is not enough stomach acid, parasites can easily take up residency. Parasites create damage, inflammation & further throw off the balance of digestive enzymes & stomach acid.

The standard form of care (a PPI rx) completely shuts down stomach acid production, furthering the problem. You may no longer experience acid reflux; but, more problems arise. This leads to a vicious cycle of playing “catch-up.” With chronic acid reflux, each of these factors work together to create worsening symptoms of acid reflux. Healing from acid reflux requires a multifaceted approach (supporting stress, dietary changes, and addressing pathogens).



