This is probably the most controversial topic I'll post about but I also think it is one of the most important topics, especially for new parents. I wish I had saved all of my sources when I first dug into this but unfortunately I didn't. Below I will paste links to resources for you to check out on your own! I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for parents to do their own digging here and not just trust their doctor on this topic. Unfortunately doctors are not taught the FULL truth on these & most parents do not get true informed consent. I will say that back in the day I was verrrrrrry judgy on this topic & literally was like, uhhh what parent wouldn't vax their kiddo?! Needless to say, I was VERY wrong to do that.
The first book I read on this topic was "The Vaccine Friendly Plan" & I highly recommend it if you're brand new to researching this topic. I do not follow the plan in the book but it was a good starting point for me.
Annie Hauser put together a great blog post of her own. I would suggest that be the first place you go along with the above book because she's linked to a lot of various places. You can access that here.
This is only a very small handful of resources so I will try to add more as time goes on but Annie Hauser's blog posted above really is a very all-inclusive place to try.
@PurelyParsons Website has a list of good questions to ask in this article.
I highly recommend watching The Truth About Vaccines documentary series here.
@Essentially Erin Hep B Highlight
@EssentiallyErin General V Highlight
@BioHackingBombshell Highlight
The following photos & caption are from @thenaturalmindedmomma. I highly recommend checking out these resources!
So you have questions and want more informed consent but don’t know where to start?
Here is a basic list to get you started and to guide you in making an informed decision.
Not medical advice. Consult with your provider. References are for personal education only.
Please be cognizant and don’t use buzz words in the comments.
The following photo & caption are from @anniehauserc.
As we get closer to welcoming our third babe earthside in a few weeks, i am reminded of all the choices parents have to make. it’s all so overwhelming at the beginning. the choices are endless. the choices we make for our bodies during pregnancy, the choices we have during our births, the choices for our babies immediately after, and every day until they are adults. and even then - we will worry about them until the day we die. did we do the right thing? make the right choices? it’s such a rollercoaster of emotions, being a parent.
but notice, how i used the word “choices?”
reminder - new parents and seasoned parents - you have CHOICES. always. it may not always *seem* like it, but you do. sometimes we don’t like the choices we have, but we have them.
when it comes to routine childhood pokes - just know - informed consent is important. knowledge is important. choice is important.
Some tips for making those choices:
✔️ read package inserts.
✔️ review US census data, plus world health data, from the CDC directly, dating back to the early 1900s on disease rates, death rates, and the decline of many diseases (including ones we do and do NOT V for) once clean water, proper sanitation, and quarantine methods were introduced.
✔️ read FDA warnings.
✔️ research studies on V (biologics) and studies on pharmaceutical drugs by the companies who make them, and those who do NOT.
✔️ scour the government’s V Adverse Events Reporting website.
✔️ read reports on outbreaks and how many were previously Vd.
✔️ research the diseases we V for and those we do not V for - and the treatment plans, risks, and probability.
✔️ learn the difference between herd immunity and V-herd immunity (not. the. same. thing. - hence why we have outbreaks in fully V populations)
✔️ read data directly from the CDC, HHS, and the FDA regarding the safety studies they do not have.
✔️here’s some compiled links for you:
and most importantly - where there is risk, there must be choice.
you don’t owe anyone an explanation for you and your family’s health choices. respect each other’s health choices. period. the end.
The following photos & caption are from @organic.gannett.
Ingredients matter.
Here they are. A list of the ingredients in the childhood vs. These are all the recommended childhood jabs, and I tried to add as many of the different options from different manufacturers for each one. But there are a few missing (like for the flu since there are like ten different ones you could get.)
“But a v is just like the virus + some saline right??” Wrong. Add this to the list of things you never knew!
**these are directly from the excipient list from the fda. Link in stories/highlight!
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
Scroll, save and share because the whole world needs this info. 👏🏻
Many of you guys have inquired about my thoughts regarding the shot and others in pregnancy. As many know, I had an adverse reaction to this shot as an adult which propelled me into learning everything that I could since I was taught nothing about shots in nursing school.
Ultimately, I would never feel comfortable getting this or any shot in pregnancy or outside of that... but I don’t wanna just tell you that, I want you to understand why. And I want you to understand why it’s so important that you dig further into this information rather than just taking someone in a white coats word for it.
I will always try to assist y’all in taking radical ownership over your health. I highly recommend several resources in my stories that will be saved in my highlights, as well as just going to the seedeesee website. I have to talk in code because heaven forbid you talk about this topic and encourage people to dig into the topic....🤪 Please know while I’m thorough here, there is clearly much more you can dig into
Tag a friend who needs this and if you have a story or experience to share regarding this injection, please share below👏🏻
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
Let’s chat the bad word, the worst of the worst, the Voldemort from 2019: MEASLES ✌🏼 (satire is a must here 😉)
Prior to the 1960s, MOST children got exposed to measles. I highly suggest grabbing the book dissolving illusions to dig more into the history of this virus and it’s prevalence BUT in the meantime, tap and scroll!
I want to make sure to highlight in this post is the value of vitamin A for prevention and support with any complications with measles. Like any other illness, complications are more likely if one has a compromised immune system. The world Health organization and American Academy of pediatrics recommend administering 200,000 international units of vitamin A to children older than one year of age begin immediately when measles diagnosed, with a second dose given the following day. For other dosing, I suggest going to their website. My research comes from there and Miller’s Review of Critical V🪓 Studies (a great book to have on hand). There’s great research that discusses the importance of vitamin a supplementation.
Another interesting fact: The early measles v🪓 containing “killed” virus was an aluminum precipitated v🪓 produced from formaldehyde and activated monkey Kidney cell cultures. A study from 1967 revealed that the v🪓 caused pneumonia as well as encephalopathy (JAMA, vol 202, no 12, p 1080) This excerpt is from dissolving illusions with digs more into this topic how “killed viruses” affected immunity and more
As always, this is just information, and in the case of this post, research 👏🏻 as always research is always worth questioning - I want you to always give yourself permission to question it and anything anyone posts 👏🏻
Was there anything you learned here that you didn’t know before? Save and share if you found the info valuable!
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
Let’s chat chickenpox!!
I remember having chickenpox clear as day being a 90s kid. I got to be out of school for a week, I remember taking soothing baths, playing and resting, and then returning back to regular life.
I was pretty surprised to discover when I was in nursing school the recommended chickenpox jab. I remember thinking WHY? I had chickenpox, it seemed like no big deal.
It wasn’t until years later when I dug into this more, was seeing an incredible increase in patients with shingles, that I was like hmmm 🤔 what’s going on here?
Very interestingly, I found studies sharing that adult exposure to children with chickenpox helped protect against shingles. I also found that when the chicken pox jab was introduced, studies show it decreased incidence of chickenpox, but increased cases of shingles AND lowered age of chickenpox infection, which can be more problematic symptom wise .
Some of the resources I used for this post include miller’s review of critical v 🪓 studies and the book The unv🪓 child: a treatment guide for parents and caregivers.
Unfortunately I feel like I need to write in code because of the censorship 🤪 tag a friend who needs the info and share! Next week I’ll share on polio! Any other childhood illness you would like me to share on?
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
“But what about polio”🤔
famous words for so many of us have heard when we’ve discussed jabs with family members, and I’m hoping that this can shed some light on a topic that has quite a treasure trove of information behind it if you’re willing to dig for it.
I want to be clear - It’s never comforting to hear of anyone going through illness- whether in the past or present- but rather than assuming that what you were told was true, I do want to encourage you to question everything especially when it’s not like pharmaceutical companies and the government have A track record of being honest 😉
information for this post was largely collected from the dissolving illusions book that you can grab on Amazon. I only wish I could’ve included more information because the chapter on polio is quite extensive in regards to a lot of the cover-up that happened during that time period!!! I I want to encourage you to grab the book and dig into it yourself!
Did you learn anything new about polio, any questions? Definitely download the wellness Arsenal freebie on my website in my bio for even more resources!
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
short answer : no IMO
long answer: it’s really worth digging into whether you feel this is necessary! All this info comes from my faves: Dr millers 💉 guide of critical studies, the un 💉 children caregivers guide, dissolving illusions and more, which provide amazing resource links for you to dig into!
What stood out to me the most was learning that breastfeeding gives your baby maternal antibodies the first 6 months of life, negating ANY reasoning for giving a jab prior to that.
Save and share ⚡️⚡️I’ll cover hep b next week!! 👏🏻👏🏻
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
Does your baby need it? Short answer : no and that’s the long answer IMO too. It’s alarming to me that infants get repeat doses of this shot and it really is not warranted at all if you are negative for hepatitis.
Beyond that I have concerns for the adverse effects, especially sleep Apnea. With SIDS being a big issue that so many mamas worry about, it’s so important to dig into the WHY instead of saying things happen for unknown causes.
Y’all know what to do- save and share!! Mamas need this info and what is given to their baby unless they research on their own and say no 🙅🏻♀️
The following photos & caption are from Ashley Everly.
We have all heard how ineffective the flu vaccines are every year, but we’re told we should get the vaccine anyway. 💥 Here’s some information you might not have heard: 📓Medical research has found... ———————————————————————————
(1) Flu vaccines increase the risk of upper respiratory tract infections and are no more protective against flu than a placebo. 💉
(2) Flu vaccines make people >6x more infectious when they contract influenza A. 🧫
(3) Multi-dose flu vaccines contain mercury which can accumulate in the brain and cause neurotoxicity. 🧩
(4) Children who get the flu vaccine have 3x the risk of being hospitalized for flu.🚫
(5) Pregnant women who had back to back flu vaccines in two consecutive seasons (2010-11 and 2011-12) were 7.7x more likely to have miscarriages. 🧸💔
(6) Only a small proportion of influenza-like illness can be attributed to influenza viruses (just 10%)! (This is one reason why so many people get the vaccine and still get the “flu”!) 🔬
(7) The manufacturing of flu vaccines has caused influenza viruses to mutate, making them stronger and more virulent. 🦠
(8) In 2014, manufacturers enjoyed over $1.6 BILLION in revenue from flu vaccine sales alone. 💰🤑 ———————————————————————————
🤔 And yet, we’re not supposed to question the agenda behind this push to get more and more people to line up and offer themselves up for experimentation...
🔗 Links to the following studies & sources will go up in my stories.
The following photos are from @EssentiallyErin's SIDS Highlight.
The following photos & caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
It’s time to talk about this 👏🏻
I’ve actually had this stored in my notes to talk about for a while now. just like everything else, it’s a topic that we have been told a narrative, but is it true?
I remember being a new nurse, new mom, and this always came up as a fear. Until I started digging into it. And I started digging into the biggest contributors.
Healthy babies don’t die. PERIOD. We need to stop accepting the narrative that they do. That sudden death at a couple days old is normal. Or “we don’t know why”. It’s unacceptable and our kids deserve better.
I hope this resource can help you start digging into this topic - share your thoughts below! 👇🏻
*some modification here bc y’all know the trigger words for censorshippp 🤪