Before you start a child on ADHD medication have you addressed ALL other possible influences?
I see Pediatricians prescribing ADHD medications to children as young as 3! 🤯 How is this ok?? A medication that likely these kids will be on for years which could have some serious health issues years down the road.
This should NEVER be the first thing!
Let’s start addressing possible root causes first before we just hand out medication to kids who likely don’t even need it! You will be amazed at your child’s behavior, focus and hyperactivity when we just address the underlying cause.
Let me help you and guide you. I help walk parents through the process with lab testing, diet changes, supplement recommendations and so much more! If you are looking for a natural approach to helping your child thrive then I am your person!
Check out my link in bio and book a free discovery call! I am here for you!
It's not increased awareness. Our children are suffering. This is more of a problem today than it was 50 years ago. Why? Our foods have changed, screen time, toxicities, nutrient deficiencies (which can be caused by chronic infection/inflammation), and more. Conventional medicine does offer therapies that do help but they usually end up slapping a medication on it. Those medications do not work long term... and they have side effects.
Some steps you can take all on your own (even if you or your child is already taking medicine because no you should never stop your medication without your healthcare provider).....
1. Make a point to go outside more. Morning sun is wonderful for mitochondrial health.
2. Eat whole foods... focus on nutrient dense foods. Protein fat whole food carbs. Limit or entirely eliminate processed sugary foods.
3. Make sure sleep is a priority. I will go over some tips on this with kids (and adults) tonight in stories.
4. Start cleaning up lifestyle. Pots and pans, no fragrance, clean personal care and cleaning products. Filtered water is necessary! These things do matter!
5. Less screen time. Family movie nights are one thing and we love them, but a lot of iPad time is harmful. Again, go outside! 😊😊
6. I have a lot more info in my ADHD highlight. This will help you identify some areas that might help and then working with a functional provider or naturopath can help you get to the root cause!
7. One thing I forgot to mention in my slides is mouth breathing and dental issues. This should be addressed by a holistic or biologic dentist! Mouth breathing can be a big factor with inability to focus and brain fog.
As always, this is not medical advice. Speak with your healthcare provider before changing anything. This is meant to be educational.