I know not everyone loves to shop on Amazon but I do have some non-toxic favorites. I would not recommend buying supplements off of Amazon for many reasons but there are some items I like and so I wanted to share those below! These are in no particular order & are not categorized! I just went through my orders for the last couple of years to see what I had ordered.
Stainless Steel Kiddo Silverware
Payson still uses and loves these.
Parents- read this book.
These are hands down the best burp rags. They stay on your shoulder & are so absorbent.
This is perfect for vacations! We've taken it to Florida both years with Payson. It folds up and can be tucked away easily.
These help get rid of the chlorine in bath water. We take them on trips since we have a water filter at home. If you don't have a water filter at home then these are good to have for your kiddo's baths.
Self explanatory- for emergencies
Green Sprouts First Toothbrush
This was great when Payson was a baby. Honestly he still chews on it sometimes now. :)
No more struggling to get your wipes out!
We used these some for baby food I made and wanted to freeze but it could be used for so many other things as well.
This is the mouth tape I've used for 2 years.
Straps to a stroller easily!
I highly recommend having nursing pads for breastfeeding moms. At first you leak so much and these are a game changer! I didn't use these specific ones but these are a good option.
I am not a huge proponent of mouthwash to be honest. It's unnecessary and can be harmful but my hubby loves it so I've at least gotten him to switch over to this brand instead of Crest.
It's a good idea to have a nebulizer on hand for sickness!
I like glass straws better than silicone or stainless & love that these are clear so you can really see through them to make sure they get clean.
Shawna of @alittlelesstoxic wrote a book! You can preorder it on Amazon and it will ship next year.
These Green Sprouts swim diapers are the best! We need reusable diapers for ISR and we have loved using this brand.
& for disposable swim diapers I recommend these!
We recently switched to these baby wipes and have loved them.
This is an amazing stain remover! Just spray on any stains and let them sit for a while then wash.
When Payson had RSV I bought this otoscope- another good item to have in your medicine cabinet!
This is the changing pad we have! We didn't get it from Amazon but a friend had it on her registry so I've bought there.
These were another registry purchase. We love this brand. If you can find anything Burt's Bees Baby then it's probably a good find- 100% organic baby items.
I know many of you have been looking specifically for a thong style organic pantyliner- here ya go!
I didn't realize how much I needed this until I got it. Stainless steel - game changer!
Stainless Steel Blender Bottle
I drink my protein shake out of this every morning with the glass straws linked above. This is stainless steel on the inside- not plastic.
I use these when we travel & they were very handy for pumping. This is what I cleaned my pump parts with while at work or on the go.
The "crunchy"version of What to Expect-- love this book for all pregnant mamas!