Were you told that you should begin rice cereal at 4 months, and it’s to ensure that they begin to replenish their iron stores? 

This is an incredibly common question that I get from parents and it is actually crazy to me that this is still recommended. Read on to see why I as a dietitian don’t recommend rice cereal as a first food for your baby.

➖Let’s start with what rice cereal is. Rice cereal is typically made with white rice, which is a refined grain

➖Refining a grain strips the grain of many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Because of this, rice cereal is then enriched (added) with nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and sometimes vitamin C. 

➖Not only is rice cereal refined, rice (white and brown) also has one of the highest contents of arsenic, a neurotoxin. Arsenic is a heavy metal that is naturally found in water and soil, and due to conventional farming practices builds up in the soil. Rice absorbs arsenic at a high rate from the soil and as a result, even organically grown rice can be high in arsenic. 

As you can see, rice cereal does not provide much nutrition besides what is added to it, and is really just a filler…shouldn’t we be optimizing our baby’s nutrition?

➖One of the reasons it's recommended, besides being fortified with iron, is that it's hypoallergenic. But new research actually suggests that allergens should be introduced early and often. There are so many great options that your baby can be introduced to after 6 months of age, or when they're showing signs of readiness. 

🔆To learn more about what these signs are, and what are the perfect first foods for your baby, sign up for my baby led weaning workshop, (link in my bio)

What was your baby's first food? Were you told to introduce rice cereal first? 

This changed my life! I hope this works for you too! 🤞

Since sharing on my stories the other day, I have had an inflood of DM's asking for details. So decided to put this post together quickly for you mamas to learn every detail!

First things first.... I have NO idea if this will help EVERY child! If you have already tried it, please share your experience in the comments below. I'd love to hear about it!

And if this really is the SECRET to having a baby sleep all night... I think I just helped millions of parents because it is not uncommon for babies, and even toddlers, to not to sleep all night, every night!! You are far from alone. Here is something that has significantly helped me, and I hope it can now help you too!!

👎🏻 BEFORE butter before bed...
- I was waking between 6-11 times a night to nurse my 12-month-old son. This was going on for a few months and I finally had it. Both of our sleep was disturbed and I needed help! I considered doing the cry it out method but I just had a GUT INSTINCT not to do it!
- Instead, I talked to my friend @doctor_lo and she told me she gives her son butter before bed. An aha moment occurred. "Yes! That is what I am going to do!"

🧈 Why butter?
- High calorie & nutrient dense
- Easy to eat
- Delicous

🧈 How much?
- I let him decide how much! One night he'll have what looks like 3 tbsp, while another night maybe just 1 tsp. I trust he'll stop when he's full.

🧈 What type of butter?
- We use @Kerrygold, but you can use any!

🧈 Does it have to be butter?
- I don't think so! Try ghee, for a non-dairy option, or even coconut oil.

🧈 Why does it work?
🧈 What age can you start?
🧈 How do you serve it?
🧈 Will my child still nurse before bed?

👍🏻The Clean Label Project Purity Award- “evaluates products for chemicals of concern and industrial and environmental toxins and contaminants (like heavy metals, pesticide residues, and plasticizers) that have the long-term potential to adversely affect health and well-being.” (1)

With the recent reports on heavy metals being found in baby food, so many moms are concerned about what they are feeding their little ones! 

So how do heavy metals make their way into food products❓

1️⃣Heavy metals can be found in soil, air, water, can be naturally occurring, or can be found simply through environmental contamination. Because of this, even organic food can contain heavy metals. According to Oregon State University, heavy metals from air pollution accumulates in the top 1-2 inches of soil. 

2️⃣Another way heavy metals get into food is from the land that a farm sits on. For example, a newer farm can occupy the same land from an older farm. This can can result in  residue from old pesticides, old farm equipment, or old structures with lead paint. When it rains, the metals run into the soil where they accumulate.

3️⃣Additionally, heavy metals are found naturally in the earth’s crust. This is why root vegetables are usually higher in metals than other vegetables.

So, how can you avoid these heavy metals❓
1️⃣It’s impossible to completely avoid heavy metals. Many fruits and vegetables contain them, but keep in mind fruits and vegetables are also full of vitamins and minerals that help nourish your little one!

2️⃣Eat a wide variety of foods and rotate the ones most likely to contain heavy metals (like root vegetables and rice).

3️⃣Look for companies that test their ingredients for heavy metals. Look for brands that have been given The Clean Label Project Purity Award (see image)

👉🏻And a little tidbit: Some of these “cleaner” baby foods are pricey.  Organic food & the testing they require is costly.  As a new mom, I would never have been able to afford them.  So I made a lot of my own baby food to save on cost.  The reusable pouches are such a great economical way to provide nourishing food to your child.

👉🏻And Once Upon a Farm does have some WIC approved items


