I've shared a little about my experience and history with birth control here but I wanted to provide another page to give some additional resources. Dr. Jolene Brighten's book, Instagram and website are probably one of the best resources on this topic for sure so I 100% recommend checking out her work if all of this is new to you or if you're trying to get off birth control.
Beyond the Pill - Dr. Jolene Brighten Book
@NaturalNurseMomma IUD Highlight
@NaturalNurseMomma Birth Control Highlight
@InnateFunctionalNutrition Highlight
The following photo & caption are from @wildlyprimal.
The truth will set you free✨
Taking oral contraceptives is a personal choice. The purpose of this post is to create awareness of the potential negative side effects. I was on them for several years on an off because of painful periods and I wish someone would have educated me about what they actually do to your body.
If you are prescribed an oral contraceptive for reasons other than preventing pregnancy, it is important to explore and address the root cause of why a doctor might be prescribing it. Acne, heavy and painful periods, irregular periods, mood swings? These symptoms might be super common in todays modern world but it is NOT normal. This is how your body speaks to you when something isn’t right. You have to listen!
Your menstrual cycle is a vital sign, just like your pulse, temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure. And it provides you with essential information about your health. You shouldn’t just “turn it off”
Also there are other ways of preventing pregnancy. Read the book Taking charge of your fertility and learn more about your body and your cycle. It’s quite fascinating seeing what the body can do and how things change throughout the month 🌺 You hold the power to your H E A L T H
The following photos & caption are from @organic.gannett.
This is the tip of the iceberg. I’m not a hormone specialist, but you don’t need to look far to begin seeing the damage birth control has on the body.
I scratched the surface here and didn’t get into some other big issues like risk of cancer and fertility issues. Our hormones regulate so many processes in our body- why did we ever think we could shut down that cycle completely and have no unintended consequences?
This isn’t to judge anyone here for your decisions. I have been on multiple different kinds of birth control pills prescribed by different doctors and not a single time was I given anything close to this information. When one kind made my skin SO bad, it was just a “oh, let’s try a different kind!” I think I maybe got a “it may take your body a month or two to regulate to the birth control.”
When birth control is being handed out like candy to women for all sorts of issues, you bet you deserve to know what it’s doing to your body!
This is a highly under talked about issue. Women are told they are crazy or that it’s just “normal” having severe mood swings, anxiety, or a number of these other side effects. It is not normal. It may be common, but common doesn’t equal normal.
I strongly recommend the books “Beyond the Pill” by @drjolenebrighten and “Period Repair Manual” by @larabriden
*not medical advice. This is for informational purposes only.
I’d love to hear your experience with birth control if you want to share. Tell me below!
The following photos & caption are from @realwellnessryann.
One of the biggest myths surrounding hormonal birth control is that it “balances” or “regulates” your hormones.
I hate the use of that terminology because it’s so incredibly misleading!
Hormonal birth control creates an imbalance by shutting off your bodies own hormone production, replacing it with a synthetic version(s), and that imbalance is what prevents ovulation and therefore prevents pregnancy. HBC works only because of the imbalance it creates!
When doctors use it for symptom management, or to “regulate” an irregular cycle, you may think it’s working because you start bleeding every month. But that is simply a withdrawal bleed, not a true period. That tricks you into thinking your cycle is now regulated and your hormones are happy. Unfortunately that isn’t the case.
You may also see a resolution in other symptoms like cramps or acne, but since hormonal birth control isn’t getting to the root cause of why you’re experiencing those things in the first place, once you stop it these symptoms tend to come back with a vengeance. Not to mention all the symptoms you may pick up along the way due to taking HBC. It’s like trading one evil for another.
So no, hormonal birth control cannot balance your hormones. That’s a direct contradiction. It’s time words like “balance” and “regulate” stop being associated with it, and we start educating people on the risks and the fact that they have other options that don’t involve altering their bodies chemistry!
If you’re interested in finally getting to the root cause of your symptomatic cycle, reach out to schedule a free consult call with me 🤍