If you grow up in America you typically will find pasteurized milk at your local grocery store with a few rare exceptions. These days, that's the norm but what's the deal with raw/unpasteurized dairy? Why is that not the norm? 

I started my research on raw dairy a while ago once I dug into the work of Weston A Price and started buying it 5ish months ago and I love it! I can't believe I've been missing out on it for all of these years!  I have another post on biological dentistry where I discuss the work of Weston A. Price as well if you aren't familiar with him.

Some people might be grossed out at the thought of raw dairy or not really understand it and my question to those folks would be- why? 

Why does it gross you out? 

Have you thought about how conventional dairy cows could be raised that would necessitate the need for pasteurization?

What does the process of pasteurization entail?

Who is mandating pasteurization and do you trust that entity?

How was milk consumed before the invention of pasteurization?

What is the history of pasteurization?

What if you're not "lactose intolerant" or allergic to dairy? Could it be that it's just pasteurized dairy that has been altered that is causing your dairy issues?

Why do some people drink raw dairy just fine but seem to have issues with pasteurized dairy?

What is the nutrient profile of raw dairy vs. conventional dairy?

Do you know about lactose & lactase?

Why is some milk at the store fortified? Could this mean beneficial nutrients have been taken out during pasteurization and then synthetically added back in?

What's A2/A2 milk?

What is homogenization? 

All of these are just questions to get your brain flowing & I'll leave some resources below!

Weston A. Price Website

RealMilk Website

A very good intro/outline podcast episode on raw dairy

Homegrown Education Podcast # 2 on Dairy

Eat Wild Website

GetRawMilk Website

Homestead Website

WildlyPrimal Highlight

@Fallon Highlight

Book Suggestion: The Raw Milk Revolution

The following photo & caption from @fallondanae.

With all the talk about dairy being an incredible superfood after so many years of demonizing it, it’s important to know what types of milk to focus on buying! Here is the ranking I personally use when buying or consuming milk, from my top choice, to less favorable options. There can be varying opinions here, so here’s what I use in my own house. 

1. Local, raw, high A2 grass-fed and organic with no additives is what I currently buy and am fortunate enough to have access to. If you can’t find high A2, local and raw is still fantastic. Sheep and goat milk that fall into this category are also wonderful choices.
2. Organic, grass-fed, low-temp pasteurized and non-homogenized, and ideally local (like Mill-King in TX if you’re local)
3. Grass fed organic, additive-free store-bought (like Kalona, Maple Hill, etc)
4. Organic with no additives
(from here down is a pretty big “never” for me personally)
5. Conventional with no additives
6. Organic with additives
7. Conventional with additives
8. Milk alternatives, period. EXCEPT Aroy-D brand coconut milk or something similar. 

***In many countries, including the US, synthetic vitamins have to be added to any reduced fat milk, so whole milk is usually your best choice.

*** For questions about specific brands, I would check if they have additives, if they do, I would call it a hard no! 


The following photo & caption are from @ra_wellness.

Unlike pasteurized milk, which denatures and diminishes nutrients in the process, raw milk contains essential enzymes and beneficial bacteria that help the body digest and absorb the nutrients found within it. 

Raw milk is a complete food that has been shown to lower inflammation, decrease childhood allergies and asthma, prevent bone loss, promote weight loss, restore gut health and improve metabolic functioning. 

When it comes to dairy, quality does matter. Look for the highest quality milk you can find. Raw (unpasteurized) milk is best. If you can’t find raw milk in your state, look for the following:

Pasture raised/grass fed
A2 milk
Non homogenized 
Free from additives and synthetic vitamins (non fortified)

Start slow. If you have been avoiding dairy for a long time or have difficulty digesting dairy you can also try goat or sheep’s milk. Goat milk is often easier to digest. 

Do you struggle with digestion issues after drinking conventional milk? 
Have you switched to plant based "milk" because you have been deemed "Lactose Intolerant"?
Yeah...same. Turns out, I am not lactose intolerant at all! 
Let's look at some other reasons your body could be having a tough time digesting that glass of milk.
First, let's define the process:
Pasteurization: "a process in which milk is treated with mild heat to eliminate pathogens and extend shelf life. The process is intended to destroy or deactivate organisms and enzymes that contribute to spoilage or risk of disease"

Sooo what does this mean for digestion?
Your body can't digest the milk because pasteurization literally destroys the necessary digestive enzymes you need to digest the milk! This does NOT mean you have trouble digesting lactose. This means you are lacking the proper enzymes to do so.
Let's talk about sourcing...
The sale of Raw milk is literally ILLEGAL in most States and all of Canada 

So, how do I buy my raw milk? There are a few different ways. 
1. Order delivery from @dutchmeadowsfarm

2. Use the link in my bio to find a dairy farmer near you. You can purchase a "farm share". This basically means that you own a "share" of a cow, and you pay the farmer to take care of it each month. In return, you get the cow's milk.

If neither of these options are for you, check my last post about sourcing dairy to find out the next-best thing to Raw. 

Swipe through to see 6 things I did to heal my dairy sensitivity. 

The path of healing will look different for everyone and there are more things I’ve focused on than just diet. My relationship with food, trauma, my nervous system, my lifestyle, home and body products, and reducing my toxic load overall, we’re all very important pieces to the puzzle for me.

I was convinced for a very long time that dairy was causing me issues, but what I didn’t understand at the time is that my body was imbalanced. It was never the dairy.

In a healthy environment you can digest all natural foods. If you can’t tolerate something look at WHY, instead of quickly blaming the food or labeling it as “bad”. Although I think it’s important that you remove the trigger while you heal, it doesn’t mean it’s forever. Be patient with yourself and give yourself tons of grace!

If you need more guidance, check out our perfect digestion course (link in bio).

What are some things that have helped you heal from a dairy allergy or sensitivity? #dairyisnotscary #prometabolic#metabolichealth #guthealth


