Ever wonder what the gallbladder does and how to support it?! It’s more important than you might think!⁠

It has 5 primary roles:⁠

1. It stores bile, which is created in the liver. ⁠
2. It absorbs water from the liver bile. This increases bile concentration, making it more effective at emulsifying and breaking down fats. ⁠
3. When working properly, it secretes about ⅓ of its bile into the intestines to aid in digestion. ⁠
4. It regulates liver bile production according to the amount of bile that moves into and out of it.⁠
5. Its bile acids gather toxins from the liver and transport them out of the body through the bowels. ⁠

Here’s how to take care of your gallbladder:⁠

1. Eat the right fats. Cut out the highly refined, inflammatory, and processed vegetable and seed oils. Opt for healthier fats instead (nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, etc). ⁠
2. Proper stress management. The gallbladder is extremely sensitive to stress and particularly eating while under stress greatly impairs its function. ⁠
3. Don’t overeat. Consuming too much at once can over-tax an already-sluggish gallbladder. ⁠
4. Take steps to naturally increase stomach acid (HCL). ⁠
5. Opt for a whole-food diet with as many fruits and veggies as possible. ⁠

My favorite gallbladder supplements:⁠ Ox Bile⁠
@quicksilverscientificBitters No.9⁠

If you’re considering having your gallbladder removed, it is worth it to make diet and lifestyle changes in order to determine whether you might be able to improve + heal without surgery!⁠


