There, I said it.

There’s a big misconception that prenatal vitamins contain all of the nutrients you need to support yourself during pregnancy. And unfortunately, many docs say that’s all you should beware of when updating your routine (remember, most get just a few hours of nutrition training, if any).

The truth is that most:

Supplements are not regulated by the FD@
Nutrients provided are at bare minimum levels for survival

  • Contain poor forms of nutrients (companies gotta make $)

  • Don’t take into account nutrient interactions (hello, iron and calcium aren’t the only ones that compete for absorption)

  • Miss key nutrients

    In fact, “Despite the vitamin supplementation, a high percent of vitamin A, B6, niacin. thiamine and B12 hypovitaminemia was noted during pregnancy trimesters.” (Baker et al)

    And take choline for example. It’s been shown to prevent neural tube defects (see my previous post about this), but I would guess that it’s missing in 99% of prenatals I’ve seen on the market.

    What’s also true?

    Nature is pretty dang smart. Nutrients work synergistically and not in isolation. Mother nature provides nutrients in the groups and ratios intended. For this reason, nutrients from food will always be superior to and cannot be replaced by nutrients from supplements, especially synthetic soups.

    The word “supplement” is defined as “a thing that is added to something else to improve or complete it.” Notice that it doesn’t say “replace it.”

    That said, there’s always a time and a place for supplements, which can be a great tool. Even though I’m extremely picky about supplements, I still take them.

    What I’m trying to get at here is that instead of focusing on finding the perfect prenatal, what’s more important is probably going to be the food that we’re putting in our mouth. Some real food for thought!

    Dr Brit @the.preconception.ptand I will be talking about this and more in our upcoming preconception course. Sign up via the link in my bio to get updates.
    Absolutely not medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider.

If you’ve been around my page for a while, you know I don't like prenatal vitamins. Why?
They’re usually synthetic, which puts stress on the body. “...the body may have trouble absorbing and using them, or even that these drug-like compounds may have negative effects.” — Dr. Thomas Cowan & Sally Fallon
They’re in the wrong form. How do $upplement companies turn a profit on a vitamin that’s supposed to contain “everything”? By opting for cheaper, less-bioavailable forms of nutrients. This is where the term “expensive pee” comes from.
They can displace the real stuff. “...they grab up receptor real estate, their presence can actually block the real vitamin’s ability to help you.” — Dr. Catherine Shanahan
They contain things they shouldn’t. Iron, Vitamin D, Calcium, Zinc, AA...check out my highlights.
They have poor ratios. One example of many: the Calcium to Magnesium ratio is usually far too high.
They're missing essential nutrients. Try finding a prenatal that contains real Vitamin A (Retinol)!
They provide a false sense of security. Studies in the US show that ‘…pregnant women using their prenatal pills still develop “combination deficits” of niacin, thiamin, and Vitamins A, B6, and B12 that persist throughout each of the three trimesters. Other studies show that prenatal vitamin pills don’t solve many nutritional problems…’ — Dr. Catherine Shanahan
Plus, the RDA for nutrients during pregnancy is set to levels for survival — not vibrant health.
"Nutritionism," as defined by Lily Nichols, R.D. ”Modern nutrition research tends to isolate and study nutrients instead of whole foods, resulting in a lot of attention given to prenatal vitamins or individual supplements.
...most prenatal vitamins contain nowhere near the levels of nutrients required to ensure a healthy pregnancy and many lack key nutrients entirely. In addition, some prenatals contain poorly utilized forms of nutrients ...there is really no replacement for a nutrient-dense diet of real food.”
Want to learn how to fuel your body with REAL food for conception? Stay tuned for my course with @the.preconception.ptcoming soon.
Not medical advice. Do your own research.

Tricky topic alert. Please hear this with grace and helpfulness and not shaming! I took prenatal vitamins through all three of my pregnancy and nursing journeys and if I would’ve known what I do now, I would have taken a much different approach. That doesn’t mean prenatals are going to mess you or your baby up or that you made a bad choice, we are simply opening up the discussion for more natural options ❤️

@korimeloy and I got to have an absolutely fantastic conversation with the one and only Morley Robbins on the podcast this week, and you guys are going to want to RUN to listen to his insight. 

we talk about how your magnesium needs in the first trimester absolutely skyrocket, the touchy and hard conversation of iron levels during pregnancy, and how your mineral needs ebb and flow over the course of growing a sweet little one - this is truly the information I wish I would have had access to before ever carrying children! And we don’t just talk pregnancy, this information is relevant to anyone! You can find the freely rooted podcast on any major streaming platform, YouTube, or check the links in my stories and the first page of my bio!

Some favorite brands:
Liver: @ancestralsupplementsand @heartandsoilsupplements 
Vit E: Integrative Therapeutics 
Vit C: @paleovalley and @pure_synergy 
Magnesium: @mitigatestress (discount link in bio)


