Like all medications and medical interventions, risk/benefit must be weighed after informed consent is given.
It is my personal opinion that the benefits of tamiflu rarely, if ever, outweigh the risks.
Here’s why:
💊At best, Tamiflu may decrease flu symptoms by only a day, and it must be taken within 48 hours for it to be effective.
💊It has been shown to cause a sudden decline in health and has resulted in death within several hours of taking.
💊Along with severe nausea and diarrhea (contributing to worse dehydration), severe psychiatric events like hallucinations are reported, and from my experience are not rare.
💊Tamiflu is a category C drug, meaning it has not been tested in pregnant women.
💊Major journals like BMJ have called out Roche (the maker’s of Tamiflu) for incorrect claims and reporting. The Cochrane Review reports a high risk of bias due to inadequate reporting, selective reporting, and attrition.
💊I asked my small community here on IG what your experience with Tamiflu has been, and while there were some that were good, a lot were bad! Medicine is never one size fits all, and this is just one example.
For me, Tamiflu is a hard no in our house.
*post to follow on what we DO use in our house for the flu*
Not medical advice. Ask your doctor about these things. Read the studies and issues about it. Make your own informed decisions.
Since we now have the flu back (jk, it never left), here’s how we handle it in our house!
Essentially, we do all the things your mom did for you when you were sick growing up. 😜 Lots of rest, fluids, warm baths, and movies.
I do add homeopathy and oils to the mix now that I know a bit more, but truly, everyone got the flu growing up, we didn’t stress about it, and we treated it like every other illness.
The flu *can* cause higher fevers. Fevers are a GOOD thing while sick, and we generally let them run their course. We use diluted peppermint on the spine and tepid baths to give some relief with a fever, and if I ever do feel I need to bring a fever down, I will give motrin (not tylenol).
One thing I will tell you that we will NEVER take is Tamiflu for reasons talked about in a previous post. Tamiflu was developed using compounds in star anise-so we use that instead!
As always, not medical advice. Always use your intuition and find a provider you trust to discuss things with.
It’s that time of year!
🌡Natural management of the flu🌡
Also reference my flu highlight for more sources!
Note: discount for @maryruthorganics
DISCLAIMER: this post is for informational purposes only and you should always consult your trusted health care provider for any questions or concerns.
I’ve got an old post on this buried somewhere so thought it was time for a refresh/update.
Feel free to leave any questions in the comments as well as anything you’ve found helpful for influenza management.
I’ll add (cause I didn’t have room):
- Peppermint oil for a cooling effect with fever.
- Deep Blue to help with aches and pains.
- Cool compress to the forehead for fever.
- Nugget ice to help with hydration as tolerated.
@purelyparsons so kindly gave me a discount code for you all - ERIN to save 15%. She makes awesome DIY elderberry kits.
- My @maryruthorganicsAmazon code is MROEWILK20
Hope you find this useful!
*Disclaimer: as always this is meant to serve as educational material. Please always consult with a trusted healthcare professional when making medical decisions. #erinshealthtalks