@Organic.Gannett Air Doctor Highlight

Air. Food. Water. The Essentials, right?

Everyone is on their own journey when it comes to cutting out/swapping items in our home to reduce toxic exposure (and the most important part is that you just START). A good air filter was one of the first things I ever got when I started down this low tox living road because the air in my home is something I am breathing constantly, all day everyday. 

If you’re at the point where you’re wanting to bring a good air filter into your home, I highly recommend the AirDoctor Here’s why:

Most HEPA air filters can only filter out to a size of 0.3 microns. The AD filters out particles as small as 0.003 microns (100 times smaller!) such as viruses (even C—d and flu if you care about that), bacteria, mold spores, flame retardants, smoke, pollen, dust, and dog and cat dander. 

The AD also uses a carbon filter to filter out VOC’s like formaldehyde and other chemicals emitted from common household items like furniture and carpet, something most people forget about!

It is super powerful and sophisticated, yet so simple to operate. There’s an auto mode that will adjust to the correct level of filtration needed, and a light will tell you when to swap out filters. 

It is quiet! Many air filters are not, but the AD uses WhisperJet fans that are 30% more quiet than typical air filters. 

The journey of reducing our toxic load can seem overwhelming. I get it. My recommendation is to just start. Somewhere. Where you can. Big or small. It all makes a difference in slowing down the burden on our bodies! The AD is an investment, but an important one. Make it when you can! 

My AirDoctor link gets you a significant discount on all three models-no code needed!

What do house dust and other environmental factors have to do with our health? 

More than you may think!⁠

A groundbreaking 2003 study (PMID: 14594359) sought to measure the number of chemicals⁠ lingering in people’s homes due to the elevated levels of breast cancer in 11 of 15 towns in Cape Cod.⁠

During this household exposure study, researchers took indoor air and dust samples from 120 homes on Cape Cod and measured concentrations of 89 different endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Their research found 52 compounds in air samples, and 66 in dust, with an average of 26 in each house dust sample.⁠

So the average home had over TWENTY different types of EDCs floating around 🤯⁠

The concentrations that were detected exceeded government health-based guidelines for 15 compounds. The other 28 compounds had no guidelines at all! But even so, the existing guidelines didn't consider endocrine effects.⁠

These compounds have been linked to so many increasingly common conditions. Everything from metabolic disorders and infertility to cancer.⁠

EDCs are so important to look out for because don't behave the way most other chemicals do when it comes to low doses... for EDCs the dose does NOT always make the poison. There's a whole body of research that clearly shows that VERY low-level exposures to certain types of substances (like EDCs) behave in very unpredictable ways. ⁣⁠
Being able to explain the concept around low-dose exposures to EDCs found in the home is essential for health professionals & educators! Thankfully, I explore this in DEPTH inside the Certificate Course in Environmental Health! ⁠⁠
** ENROLLMENT for the first SPRING cohort of Cert Course JUST OPENED TODAY ***⁠⁠
This 5-month advanced training for anyone with a health-based business includes a deep dive into environmental health AND into how to best use this education in your business. ⁠⁠
>>> Class size is limited to 30 students <<< ⁠⁠

As a thank you for being such a great community, I've put together a great bonus package for the first 10 people from IG to register (see my stories today for deets)
👉🏼👉🏼 head to the link in my bio to see everything that's covered and get enrolled.


