For all sorts of info on this topic I would say @TaylorKulik is the expert so definitely follow her on Instagram!
Access to safe bedsharing information should be available to all parents.
Bedsharing happens. Swipe to see how often it happens and how often parents & babies find themselves in really unsafe situations due to being uneducated and fear mongered about bedsharing. You can see more of these experiences in my bedsharing highlight. Let’s save lives by making sure parents are informed about how to bedshare safely when and if it does happen.
Just not talking about it, vilifying bedsharing, or telling parents to never do it isn’t helpful. My opinion is that it actually causes harm. This lack of conversation and nuance breeds a culture of secrecy and fear and shame, which leads to more secrecy and isolation and more inevitably parents bedshare in unsafe ways because they don’t know how to do so safely, and they don’t tell anyone for fear of judgement and condemnation.
Parents are going to bedshare. It’s inevitable. Support them to mitigate risk and do so as safely as possible.