@Fallon Ancestral Diet Highlight
Intuitive eating seems like the way to go…
Until you realize that you don’t get hungry until 1pm, you feel pretty anxious, irritable and overwhelmed most of the day, you notice you eat mostly carbs and very little protein, and you’ve begun to gain weight in your midsection despite eating less than ever.
This is usually how “intuitive eating” ends up.
What we have to understand is that our bodies are SMART. They’ve learned how to adapt to pretty much whatever conditions they’ve been put in. This sounds like a good thing right? It is…when you are in a starvation situation or are under hardships that are out of your control. It’s not so good when you’ve been chronically undereating or poorly balancing your meals. Your body will make adaptations that make REGULAR EATING harder…YIKES! 
If you’ve been skipping breakfast and noticing that you feel more energetic and are losing weight you think, Wow! This is easy! Slowly you notice that you aren’t even hungry in the mornings anymore…great, right?! Guess what, your body is adapting! It is increasing your stress hormones which feels pretty good at first. It releases these stress hormones when it breaks down your body tissue for fuel (fat, yes, but also muscles and stored minerals and organs!). Eventually, those stress hormones start to add up and suddenly you don’t feel so great anymore. Your adaptations have stalled. Your body is out of gas and out of options. You start to feel lethargic, anxious, and heavy…your body is in famine mode! Intuition won’t get you out of this pickle!
By learning how to feed our bodies in a biologically appropriate way (don’t worry, its pretty simple!) we can intentionally make choices throughout the day to nourish ourselves. I’ve listed some of my favorite simple tips for keeping your body happy (and nourished!) all day long!
How do you feel about intuitive eating?! Don’t you wish you’ve been eating this way FOREVER?!


