A few weeks ago my friend texted me asking for ear infection recommendations. I knew I had a whole host of resources on this topic but naturally I didn't have them saved all in one spot. That's the purpose of this post!

I have compiled some information below that will hopefully help you if you need an alternative approach to treating an ear infection. Antibiotics are vastly overused for ear infections & they can contribute to getting more infections sometimes. A big chunk of ear infections are viral anyway & will clear on their own without antibiotics.

I have these remedies on hand should the need arise for them. I will say, the most beneficial thing I've heard for ear infections is chiropractic care & the garlic oil mentioned several times below.

It should go without saying but, you know, gotta add a disclaimer to everything these days-- I am not a medical professional so please use your own discretion. 😜

All of these links below are from health practitioners/researchers I have learned so much from!

Wellness Mama Article

Wellness Mama Article 2

@EssentiallyErin's Ear Infection Highlight

Dr. Axe Ear Infection Article

@PurelyParsons' Ear Infection Highlight

@Holistic.Allie's Ear Highlight

@AWholeHealthLife highlights

@DrCourtneyKahla EARS highlight

Dr. Homeo Website

The following pictures & caption are from @naturalnursemomma's highlights.

Antibiotics are WAY over given for ear infections. The best way to avoid them is to prevent ear infections! Why do most ear infections happen? Because of mucus buildup! If you scroll through these slides you'll see how the anatomy changes as we age and helps mucus drain, but children's anatomy causes more stagnant mucus and a backup in the Eustachian tube which then causes that fullness you might experience, pain, popping, etc. then comes the infection. So what do we do? We help the ears drain!

Now for children who have a lot of ear infections, it would be helpful to stop dairy, juice, a lot of processed sugary foods, etc. Dairy is a big mucus producer. More mucus = more ear infections. Why conventional medicine hasn't linked this up is beyond me. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

With illness I start being on top of these things in those children with ear infections, but this would be helpful for any child! Immune support I will go through in stories but whole food Vitamin C, antioxidants, probiotics, elderberry (if under one I would make the syrup with maple syrup and not local honey), etc... keeping a humidifier going (but with humidity under 58% so no mold growth ❌❌) and diffusing respiratory support oils is helpful too!

Chiropractor is another useful too for ear infections. It's important to find a qualified and trusted chiro, they can definitely be a useful tool to prevent and manage ear infections!

After Infection sets in, watchful waiting is RECOMMENDED for most ear infections. I'll share more on this in stories. That means waiting for at least 48 hours before starting an antibiotic. There are extenuating circumstances sure! But starting garlic oil (cannot be used in children with ear tubes or rupture eardrums), diluted essential oils outside the ear NOT in the ear, etc is helpful to get the mucus moving thus decreasing pain.

As always, this is not medical advice. Speak with your healthcare provider before changing anything. This is meant to be educational.

Check out my stories today and/or my ear infection highlight for more info!

The following pictures are from @shanntripp's page.

Do you know why earaches are most common in the winter months?

Because of all the dang viruses! 😅

Fluid builds up in the ear, causing pressure and pain, and the smaller the child, the smaller the tube... the smaller the tube, the more pressure and pain the fluid creates. BUT, this does not always mean the ear is infected or that your kiddo needs immediate medicine.

💡 In Fact: Many ear infections do NOT need to be treated with an antibiotic.

However, earaches continue to be one of the most common reasons parents go to the doctor. So, here are some things to try at home first!

1. Avoid putting anything in the ear if there is sign of an eardrum rupture (yellow or bloody drainage).
2. If the child is in too much pain, Ibuprofen (aka Motrin) for kids >6 months old can help!

Who else here has been dealing with earaches in your home this year? I bet some of you are experts at this point! :)

The following caption & photos are from @awholehealthlife.

Ear infections: so what to do?

This is a follow up to my post last week. In that post I discuss the overuse of antibiotics for ear infections and the impact that can have.

Natural alternatives can be used safely and effectively. Please note: *sometimes* antibiotics are warranted. Often times alternatives can be utilized.

Alternatives to consider:

🌱garlic and mullein oil
🌱lavender essential oil
🌱basil essential oil
🌱rosemary essential oil
🌱melaleuca essential oil
🌱helichrysum essential oil

Other supportive strategies:

🌱Salt sock to draw fluid from ear
🌱Warm compress on ear area
🌱Trusted chiropractic care
🌱@leefyorganics Prana tincture — antiinflammatory (supports pain for many — link in profile)

As far as application: dilute essential oils as needed. Some people rub on around and behind the ear. Others place a diluted amount on small piece of cotton ball and place that in the ear to diffuse the oils. *BE your BEST advocate (and your kids!). Research appropriately*

➕ Work with your trusted provider. This is not medical advice. If you need pure essential oils to have on hand for this, DM me or check out my link in bio. I have a holistic medicine cabinet so that I have these resources on hand when I need them, rather than waiting and then not having them here when something comes up.

➕ By minimizing use of antibiotics, the microbiome of a child remains in tact. The microbiome is critical for so many functions and can impact allergies, immunity, mood, behavior, digestion, nutrient absorption and more.

➕ Reference: Antimicrobial Activity of Garlic Derivatives on Common Causitive Microorganisms of the External Ear Canal and Chronic Middle Ear Infections. Turk Arch Otorhinolryngol. 2019 Dec; 57 (4) 161-165 PMID 32128511

Another from @awholehealthlife.

It’s that time of year when more kids get ear infections. Here is a quick summary of some data + considerations.

▪️According to a meta-analysis in Pediatrics, research estimates that ear infections have bacterial origin 51-78% of cases. Thus, 22-49% of cases arise from viruses or food sensitivities.

▪️Research suggests that over time, 80% of ear infections do clear on their own. While taking antibiotics may shorten the duration of symptoms (if the infection is indeed bacterial), the risks often outweigh the benefits.

▪️While symptoms may improve in the ear, antibiotics may incite other issues such as rash, diarrhea and upset stomach. One has to weigh the pros/cons.

▪️Antibiotics wipe out the good and the bad bacteria. This has profound impacts on the gut — which is responsible for nutrient absorption, mood, immunity, and so much more.

▪️Antibiotics reduce overall gut bacteria which then reduces the gene expression of immune cells and can even decrease the gene expression and number of mitochondria.

▪️Antibiotics turn the symbiotic relationship of the microbes in the gut — upside down. This can allow the “bad” bacteria to takeover (or fungi). This can cause leaky gut which leads to an array of issues — autoimmunity, allergies, asthma, behavior, mood, the list goes on.

▪️The “watch and wait” approach means you see how it plays out for your child without jumping the gun to antibiotics. Yes *sometimes* a child may need them, so it’s important to have a good relationship with a provider you trust.

▪️Generally speaking ear infections are over treated, and the ramifications on the gut can be devastating — especially if chronic overuse. Research shows that 95% (!!!) of ear infections are treated with antibiotics....

SOME do need addressed so work with a trusted provider. This is not medical advice but rather data to consider if you have little ones. More to come. ❤️

The following caption & photos are from @organic.gannett.

As always, not medical advice.

I very much have seen the over prescription of antibiotics for ear infections in the ER. They are often prescribed as a first line of defense despite that not even being the CDCs recommendation. Maybe well intentioned, but prescribing an antibiotic when not truly needed simply to appease the parents is wrong. Most parents aren’t told some of these facts about ear infections, and most definitely aren’t told about the harmful effects of antibiotics. We can do better.

Also forgot to add this under the prevention slide — chiropractic care! Regular adjustments can do wonders for children with chronic ear infections!

The following photo and caption is from @holisticallie_'s page.
I recommend checking out her highlights linked above as she did a Q&A and answered some questions you might also have.

Acute otitis media (ear infection) is one of 𝐭𝐡𝐞 most common childhood infections that pediatricians offices see, costing an estimated $3-$4 billion annually.

Most ear infections occur secondary to an upper respiratory infection. They are the leading cause of antibiotic prescriptions in the US & a huge contributor to antibiotic resistance, despite the providers ignorance to the infection source; is the infection caused by a virus, bacteria, or both? Has your doctor ever swabbed your child’s inner ear to check?

New data is suggesting that 30%-66% of all ear infections are viral & up to 70% are polymicrobial (virus + bacteria), meaning antibiotic treatment for these cases would only be partially effective 𝙖𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩.

Actually, recent studies are finding that viral ear infections may impair antibiotic efficacy for treating the bacterial co-infections (if it’s present).

The New England Journal of Medicine actually did a study where they discovered kids treated with antibiotics for ear infections have a recurrence rate 7-10x’s higher than those who are allowed to resolve on their own.

Studies also show (linked in my bio, page 2 as always) that more than two thirds of ear infections will resolve on their own without treatment by day 3.

The AAP, CDC, & AAFP are now recommending delaying treatment for ear infections by 48-72 hours in most cases to wait & see if the infection will subside in its own. This is done in the Netherlands & Scandinavia to avoid overprescribing antibiotics & avoid antibiotic resistance - they have great success with this & very little issues with antibiotic resistance.

That doesn’t mean all physicians are following these recommendations though, so next time your kiddo comes down with an ear infection, either stay home, or school your pediatrician once you have an official diagnosis!

Extra fun fact: V’d children are actually 3.8x’s more likely to suffer from ear infections than non-v’d children.

I’ll be covering in stories (& save to a highlight): supporting the immune system, pain management, when & how to treat at home, & when to go in for a prescription

*not medical advice* 😘


In my last post, I taught you why little ones are so susceptible to ear infections! Such a bummer! So having remedies on hand is the smart thing to do as a Doctor Mom knowing our kiddos are so susceptible to ear aches!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If I HAD to narrow it down, here are 3 of my favorite natural therapies to help support the healing process:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Garlic has antimicrobial properties which means it can help fight both viruses and bacteria. Since an ear ache could be caused by either of these bugs, garlic is great to help combat either! Mullein is an herb that helps to reduce pain. When applied directly to the ear it helps reduce inflammation and soothes the tissue. This is safe for any age but is NOT safe for children who have or had ear tubes or history of perforation of the eardrum. We don’t want the oil to get inside the ear rather, we want it to stay nicely on the outside to contact the eardrum directly. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Chamomilla is a great homeopathic remedy indicated for intense ear pain especially if your child is very irritable and fussy. If your child is hard to console and prefers being rocked or carried during ear ache, consider Chamomilla. Also, if your child seems oversensitive to the pain this is another indication that Chamomilla may help. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
VITAMIN C⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Vitamin C supports the immune system and can help to limit or prevent bacterial and viral infections. Best taken at FIRST signs of any type of infection, Vitamin C can help boost the system and help the body heal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Bookmark this post so you know where to go the next time your child complains of an ear ache. Or even better, be a proactive mom and choose one or all of these remedies and build your medicine kit now so you are well-equipped the next time an ear ache comes on!! Our 20% supplement sale ends tomorrow! (Link in bio)



