One of the worst pains I have ever had is when I've had a UTI in the past. If you've had one then you know how incredibly painful they can be.

In 2017 I randomly got somewhere around 5 UTI's after never having one before. They came on suddenly and I would be crippled over in pain. All I knew back then was to go to an urgent care and get an antibiotic. I now know that was not the best course of action & that the repeated antibiotic use destroyed my gut and probably led to the continuation of getting these infections.
@NaturalNurseMomma's Highlight

Wellness Mama UTI Article

Dr. Axe UTI Article

@Organic.Gannett UTI Highlight
@Purely.Parsons UTI Highlight
@Essentially.Erin UTI Highlight
@AWholeHealthLife UTI Highlight

The below photo & caption from @organic.gannett.

UTIs are the worst. They occur when unwelcome bacteria get inside the urethra and begin to multiply. If not treated, they can turn into a more serious kidney infection. Symptoms include burning or pain with urination, more frequent urination, cloudy urine, urgency with urination, bladder fullness and pain, blood in your urine, and feeling like you have to pee but can’t. You could also have nausea, vomiting, fever, and pelvic or back pain. Here is what I do at home at the first sign of a UTI in hopes of kicking it to the curb early and avoiding prescription antibiotics!

🟢D-mannose: essentially, this is a sugar found in cranberries and some other fruit. It helps to eliminate e. Coli bacteria, which accounts for around 90% of UTIs. I take 500mg 8 times a day or 2000 mg twice a day for 5 days (even after symptoms subside). It can also be taken in a smaller dose daily for UTI prevention.

🟢Vitamin C: Anytime there is sickness in our house, we up our vitamin c a ton. UTIs are no different. I take either liposomal or ascorbic acid vitamin c. I take about 1000mg every 30 min-hour all day or until bowel tolerance. I also continue this for several days.

🟢Raw garlic: garlic is a strong antimicrobial and anti inflammatory superfood. Mince up a clove of raw garlic, let sit for a few minutes, and either eat plain or put it in some water and chug. I do this 3-5 days a day for several days.

🟢Essential oils: Doterras On Guard is an amazing blend of antimicrobial and immune supporting oils. I dilute it in some fractionated coconut oil and rub over my bladder. Then I put diluted lavender over that. Some other good oils are oregano, lemongrass, clove, and tea tree.

🟢Probiotic: I double up on my probiotic for a few days with any sickness and also for a UTI.

🟢Water: lots of water is key to help flush out the bad bacteria. This will also make sure you are peeing often to keep things flushed.

🟢Avoid sugar! Sugar can aggravate the infection and also suppresses the immune system.

*not medical advice. This is how we approach UTIs in our family, but have used antibiotics in the past when absolutely needed.*

The below photo & caption from @awholehealthlife.

Another post and caption from @awholehealthlife.

When 🎅🏼 brings you a UTI as an early Christmas 🎁... Oh what fun ;). A few comments:

➕ I have treated an infection like this in the past with antibiotics. I was so thankful to have them in that situation! Sometimes they are warranted.

➕Herbal and natural remedies can be just as effective! This can be a great option to use as a first line therapy. Antibiotics can be life saving, but also come with ramifications.

➕I have had 3 of these infections in my entire life. I treated this last one holistically and could not believe how fast it worked. I know how powerful natural remedies can be, and frankly it was cool to experience it.

➕ This is not med advice, but what I did that worked. QUICKLY!!! 🙌🏻 Within a few hours my symptoms were mostly gone. Within 24 hours I was operating at 90-95%. Barely any symptoms left. I’m on day 3 and ZERO symptoms.

✅ Raw garlic: anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects. Studies have shown that it exhibits antibacterial activity against a wide range of microbes, including E. Coli, which is a common cause of UTI. I chopped it and chased it with water 2 x a day.

✅ Oregano, frankincense, myrrh and clove have powerful effects re: bacteria. I diluted, rubbed them on my spine, feet and abs to get it into my body. I took doTERRA OnGaurd soft gels (w oregano) 3 x a day.

✅ D mannose: this is the potent part of cranberry juice in a pill or powder. It is known to prevent the growth of some bacteria and also stimulate the growth of good bacteria. I took 3 doses a day.

✅ Vitamin C: makes urine more acidic which inhibits growth of bacteria. A 2007 study looked at the role of C in preventing UTI and it was shown effective. I used big doses as treatment.

✅ Citricidal drops are made with grapefruit seed extract. I added to water twice a day. I rarely use this but added it to the regimen ;). Get thru @equilibrium_nutrition.

✅ HYDRATE!!! Flush those bacteria out. Such an important component.

➕I also used @leefyorganics for immune support and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric + ginger is powerful!

➕Be prepared — have these in your holistic cabinet. 🎁, leefy and oils via link in bio.

➕Not medical advice. ❤️

Save this one too 😉

➕As you all know, I shared my experience in treating a UTI naturally. I have also treated one with antibiotics. I have a *PART 1* to this post, which should also be referenced. I couldn’t fit it all in one post.

➕What I am sharing is what worked for me and also has worked for many others. This is not medical advice. Work with a trusted provider as needed and do your own research too!

➕Last week, I took D mannose, vitamin C, vitamin A, citricidal drops (for 2 days), ate raw garlic and used essential oils internally and topically over my bladder and abdomen area. I also wanted to share the following:

🌱Prebiotics: these foods feed the good bacteria! Which we want to thrive in these situations (and always). Leeks, onions, jicama, and more. Focus on whole plant based foods for prebiotic value.

🌱Probiotics: I took mine from (link in bio) and also am working on getting you access to another amazing probiotic!

🌱Parsley tea: Also can add lemon. Parsley contains essential oils, including apiol, myristicin, which have antibacterial effects.

🌱Minimize sugar: I always do this when fighting an infection. I minimized sugar + carbs. Sugar dampens the power of the immune system.

🌱Uva ursi herb: I got the U.T. Vibrance product which was high dose D mannose, with uva ursi in it (and other herbs). It was a powder I put in water 4 x a day. Used by native Americans for UTI. Work with a provider as you see fit. Can be toxic (like much can when used inappropriately).

🌱Raw apple cider vinegar: *may* inhibit growth of E. Coli. Many people swear by this. I did this in addition to many other things. I took about 2 shots a day (added to water). Can also add to bath water.

🌱 Detox bath! Never hurts ;). Can use Epsom salts. Bentonite clay. EOs if you would like. Up to you.

➕As you can imagine, there aren’t large clinical trials for all of this. But there is ancient wisdom that has led many people to use these effectively. Work with a provider, naturopath, functional medicine doctor ... etc. as needed — as supplements can cause drug interactions, etc.

Hope this helps! I share more in my UTI highlight. Not medical advice. ❤️



