Purely Parsons HFM Article

Sorry for typo! 🙈 it’s foot not food! #iamhuman and pregnant 🤣

I know I am not the only one with a kiddo with Hand, Foot, Mouth (HFM) Disease right now! It is going around like crazy so wanted to share the top 4 remedies I love.

FYI this post is similar to one of my Doctor Mom Protocols I share inside my membership but a more abbreviated version.

I want ALL moms to have these quick holistic go-to references at their fingertips.

It is not a matter of IF, it is a matter of WHEN our kids get sick! You want to know your tools and how to use them safely and effectively! Love sharing with you, Doctor Moms!

So here are some of my favorites for HFM coming right up...

#1 Berry Well Immune: This is an ANTI-VIRAL support powder that can be easily made into popsicles which is KEY for HFM. Most kids won't take vitamins during this time because of mouth sores. So bring on the popsicles!

#2 Homeopathics: As you know by now there isn't one homeopathic for one condition. It ALL depends on your child's symptoms. You treat the person, not the disease. I happened to use Pulsatilla for my child but Mercurious is one of the leading remedies for HFM. Specifically when mouth sores can be very severe and the child is very sensitive to heat and cold. There may have a fever before getting the blisters and may alternate between getting too hot with perspiration and becoming chilled at night. They also have the tendency to drool.

#3 Vitamin D: Studies show low levels create more severe HFM symptoms.

#4 Zinc: has been shown to inhibit the replication of HFM virus.

*Keep kids hydrated. They often don't want to eat because their mouth is sore and many don't even want fluids. This is where popsicles and ice cubes are great options. Freeze coconut water, freeze bone broth - get creative!

Save and share this post! What has helped your kiddo?

I feel so silly!

Not only did I have a typo in yesterday's post (foot not food! 🤦‍♀️)... I also completely left out one of my ALL TIME favorite HFM remedies - Active Skin Repair?! 😫

What the heck?! I am SO SORRY!

I am human so make mistakes AND 12 weeks pregnant so low on energy which is likely not allowing me to think straight (oh the joys of first trimester!) 🤰 Giving myself grace and am grateful for you doing the same!

But this is SO IMPORTANT and had to create a new post so you have this in your notes!

Please save this - this is a must for HFM!

I have been spraying Active on my son multiple times a day since his first lesion appeared and he is healing SO FAST!

❌ No more uncontrollable crying how painful his sores are
❌ No more erupted lesions oozing contagious fluid
❌ No more body-wide rashes
And it has been less than a week!

I LOVE how Active Skin Repair doesn't burn so I can spray directly on the face around the mouth where most HFM lesions appear.

We make an activity out of spraying his body multiple times a day and have fun. I know you will love it! Had to share!

Active Skin Repair happens to be one of our podcast partners and offers our community 20% off plus free shipping by using code DOCTORMOM! Enjoy the savings and I KNOW you will love it! This has been a staple in my medicine cabinet for well over a year and SO GLAD I had it in time for my son's HFM episode. Learn more about them at @bldgactive

Do you love this spray as much as I do? What have you used it for?

I’ve been asked if I had any info on hand foot mouth a handful of times and since we had our first experience with it this summer (Rafe was the only one who got a mild case), I thought it was time to add it to the lineup. Hope you find it helpful and as always please consult with a trusted HCP and follow that intuition. #erinshealthtalks

Probiotics: @maryruthorganics (code: essentiallyerin) or ion biome
Zinc: @maryruthorganics(see code above)
Manuka: @happyvalleyhoney
Elderberry: @seattleelderberry (code: erinw15) or @purelyparsons sells DIY kits
Mushrooms: @organic_olivia
Vitamin C: @maryruthorganics or @seeking.health

Who else has had kids go through hand foot mouth disease? Only my oldest has and I was SO grateful we had natural remedies and support on hand (swipe through!) because it was short lived and he made a quick turnaround! 

This is super prevalent with back to school and in kids under 5 BUT there’s so many things you can do to help prevent and be ten steps ahead! 

Quick reminder/ this is viral which mean antibiotics are not necessary , shouldn’t be used, and allowing this to run its course will help strengthen the immune system 🙌🏻

Which of the natural remedies I mentioned have you used? Save this post or share with a friend! 

Head to the links in my bio to purchase these remedies from @boironusaor @ollois_usa (Ollois is lactose free!


