Posey’s Birth Story

Posey’s birth was so similar to Payson’s in that it started around 2:00 am and went from being okay to needing to push a baby out REAL quick. Payson’s labor was 9 hours and 45 minutes so I assumed this would be even faster and it was. It ended up being 6 hours from my water breaking to having Posey in my arms.

Posey was born at 38 +1. Leading up to her birth I had NO signs of any impending labor. I never had any Braxton hicks with her or Payson. I really didn’t think she would be born until January so I was really caught off guard. The night before we watched a movie with Payson. I made us some bone broth hot chocolate and left the dirty dishes in the sink. If you know me you know this is NOT like me. I don’t go to bed with a dirty sink so it’s funny that when I realized I was in labor my first thought was - omg no, this can’t be happening! I have dirty dishes to clean!

I woke up on 12/28 at 1:50 am to fluid coming out of me. I got up and went to the bathroom (half asleep) and saw liquid all in my underwear. I was very confused and not fully awake but I did think hmm is this my water breaking? I put some toilet paper in my undies and got back in bed. Looking back it’s funny because it was very obviously my water but I was in denial it was happening and I wasn’t fully awake to process. I got back in bed and at 2:40 I felt another huge gush. I sprinted to the bathroom and it was like a stereotypical movie scene where there is just fluid gushing out of me going all over the bed, floor, etc… (Note: my water didn’t break with Payson until I was pushing so I never experienced this before) so then I was like okay, this is the real deal. I texted my midwife Jaelin a picture and told her my water broke. (As a side note I sent the picture to my mom and Jaelin and because of the way it looked they both freaked out and thought I was sending a picture of blood coming out of me. Jaelin called me immediately and I was like oh nooo that’s not blood- it’s clear liquid!)

She told me to get back in bed and rest. I called my doula and photographer at this point as well. Sadly neither made it- that’s a different story though.

I laid in bed for a few hours and had what felt like very mild period cramps every 15 mins or so. Nothing bad, but since I knew labor was starting I couldn’t sleep.I  finally got up at 5:00 and had my bloody show. I texted Jaelin again and she said- well I guess we’re having a baby today!

I ate a protein bar because I knew I would need some energy and sort of just walked around unsure of really what to do. I was having very mild contractions. I woke Corey up at 5:45 and told him I was in labor. He got up and started getting a few things done. From 5:45-6:20 the contractions started to get a little more intense but still nothing bad.

At 6:21 Jaelin said if my contractions were lasting a minute and getting stronger then she would head my way. I contemplated telling her to wait because I was really fine but to be honest I was a little scared because I was expecting to have my doula and mom there and they both weren’t so I didn’t want to be alone when things got intense since Corey was getting other stuff done.

Looking back I’m so glad she came then because about 10 minutes later I started having more intense contractions that I was having to breathe through a lot. Jaelin got here at 6:50 and by then things were picking up. She walked in the room and Payson was still sleeping in our bed so between contractions I gently woke him up and said his baby sister was coming so it was time to wake up.

At this point I went to the bathroom and just stood at our counter and labored. Contractions were coming very close together and were very intense. Jaelin got set up and checked my vitals and Posey’s heart rate then her and Corey got to work on setting up the birth tub. It’s funny because I didn’t have a strong desire either way on laboring or birthing in the tub but Corey was determined to get it set up for me! It’s not a quick process so they worked at that while I labored. Payson even helped hold the hose at one point and kept it from falling out!

Since I was in the bathroom I grabbed a comb from my drawer and attempted to squeeze it during contractions. This was not planned but I figured- hey, I’m here and so I might as well try it. Note- it did NOT work :) This is sometimes a pain relief technique— to try to cause pain somewhere else to take away from labor pains.

All of the sudden I just said- I have to poop!  (If you’ve never given birth this is sometimes what the sensation of needing to push feels like) My body goes from contracting to automatically going into push mode. It was the same with Payson. Jaelin knew when she heard me say that then that baby was going to come soon. They started to help me walk to the birth tub but when I got to the edge of our bathroom I had a bad contraction and didn’t think I could walk anymore so I froze.  Jaelin threw down pads on the floor because she thought I was going to have her standing right there!

I really couldn’t move well but Corey and Jaelin helped me get to the tub after that contraction and I just fell to my knees and leaned over the side of the tub. I pushed with each contraction and Jaelin helped me get through this stage. This is the part of labor I hate the most. Some say pushing is relief but for me this is when I begin to say things like -  I can’t do this anymore or I just want this baby out-. I hate the pushing part so much. I pushed her head out while on both knees and then Jaelin suggested I lift one leg to help get the rest of her body out so that’s what I did. At one point I guess I asked for water because our amazing birth assistant Kenzi magically made a straw appear in front of me.

After just 18 minutes in the tub our baby girl was here. :) Jaelin helped as she came out and I grabbed her and collapsed backwards in the tub. I delivered the placenta in the tub and then they moved me to the bed and I got to be in the comfort of my own home and snuggle my fresh babe. My mom was there by that point and she made me some scrambled eggs for that post-birth protein. :)

After birth Jaelin and Kenzi stayed to help monitor vitals and make sure Posey was all good and well. They made me an herbal bath, helped me go to the bathroom, made sure my uterus was contracting and bleeding was under control, etc… They take very good care of you and make sure baby and mom are doing well. I didn’t hemorrhage but my uterus was a little “boggy” as they call it so they made sure that my bleeding wasn’t too much.  I did agree to take some cytotec to help the bleeding some. Homebirth midwives come equipped with a whole host of tinctures, medicines, emergency equipment, etc… to help with any situation that might arise. They are also trained to watch for signs of emergencies and know when a hospital transfer is necessary. There was never a time I felt unsafe or that I wasn’t in good hands!

There are a few things I would’ve changed. I am really sad my photographer didn’t make it due to an unfortunate scenario because I don’t have any pictures of labor and birth. I wish my mom could’ve been there as well because she was there when Payson was born. We really didn’t think Posey was coming early so she was 7 hours away— but she did start driving down at 3:00 am with my aunt and got there to help after birth!

I am very thankful we were able to stay healthy and have a successful birth at home. It was one of the most amazing but intense experiences. Having Payson there to see his baby sister born was also very special. I 100% recommend home birth to anyone!

(Pictures here taken by backup doula and backup photographer who were sent but sadly didn’t make it in time for birth)

Posey Mae

7 pounds, 6 ounces - 21 inches- & perfect


Janice’s Chicken


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