Since I’ve been taking a little break from sharing a lot on Instagram I feel a bit behind so I wanted to do a post on things I’ve been loving lately

Sleep issues are still honestly mostly the same unfortunately for those curious on an update there as well. 👎🏻

In no particular order here are some favorites as of late. ❤️

This body scrub is amazing! I had been looking for a good body (not face) exfoliator and found this. I was nervous it would be overwhelming with the smell because I don’t like strong scents but it is a very subtle smell. I use it in the shower and love it!

I have done many face masks in my day and I have never experienced results like I have with this one. I’m honestly shocked. My nose gets very congested and rough and this makes it feel like you’ve used a 2005 biore nose strip. 🤣 It makes my skin so smooth and the results last a week for me which normally doesn’t happen with any topical mask. The charcoal helps draw out all the junk. You do have to give it a REALLY good shake beforehand though or else it’s too liquidy to apply. I have a link and code for a discount on your first order. Shoot me a message if you want it or look through my “Discounts” highlight on Instagram.

I never did a follow up on my nursing injuries back in December. Long story short, I ended up having open wounds on both sides that were excruciating and bleeding. This helped in between sessions. Nothing topical can fully heal the wounds if you’re continually nursing every 4 hours but this is the cream I used in between sessions to help prevent infections. I can give a breakdown of how I finally healed if anyone is interested. This is also great for cuts and scrapes in general! I’ve used it for both Corey and Posey the last month.

These muffins are 😋😋. I have been so impressed with the Thrive Market muffins. TBH they’re better than Simple Mills. The banana ones are shockingly tasty! None of them are dry either and I get 12+ muffins out of each bag.

I will never not love tiny baby feet. I don’t put shoes on my babies until they’re fully walking so Posey just recently got her first pair and I die! Baby girl shoes are so cute. These are from Freshly Picked. My Chiro told me about a brand called Starry Knight also and these are very similar. I’ll be buying more from both companies in the future.

We are at such a sweet age with both kids and while it’s hard it’s also so fun to watch them. Posey has a BIG personality and she’s such a ham! & Payson is a combo of sweet and sour and he’s so smart. He says things and I have no idea where he’s learned them. This is an accurate picture of how busy Posey is. She is the complete opposite of Payson at this age. We didn’t have to baby proof anything for Payson and Posey is into EVERYTHING. 🫠

Every night I turn my phone on ‘do not disturb’ in the early evening and log off the screen time and it’s been so amazing. Not being glued to a screen has been such a good way for us to have focused family time when we’re all at home. I’m not perfect at this but it’s still a newer habit.

I’ve created a homeopathic monster in Posey. 🤣 She’s been on a remedy to help with some eczema and I’ve used it for sickness and teething as of late so she’s gotten used to taking the pellets. She sees a bottle and cries and reaches for them she wants them! She grabs them from my hand and pops them in her mouth. (No I’m not worried about her touching them.)

This book! So good. Corey and I have both been reading it because it’s a requirement for an interview we have. I normally avoid any type of parenting/help books for many reasons but this one is solid. I probably wouldn’t have read it had it not been something forced upon us. It’s all about creating habits and rhythms for your home from a Christian perspective. This is one I will likely read again.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and have a great rest of your week!
