Prior to getting into this whole different lifestyle I live now I used to take Tylenol ALL THE TIME for migraines/headaches. I didn't know back then that 1. I needed to get to the root cause of WHY I was even having them in the first place and 2. I had no clue Tylenol was bad for me. It was actually someone who is very non-crunchy who told me it was bad for my liver. I was like hmm okay... & yet here we are! Now I spend my time educating others not to take it. :)
We got Payson's tongue tie released when he was a baby and his paperwork actually mentioned to avoid Tylenol as well and they gave us a homeopathic remedy instead. I see sooo many momma's post that they give it to their babies after getting vaccines as well and it truly breaks my heart because I know that it's just making it ten times worse on those little innocent babies with the toxins inject in them and their glutathione being depleted.
The following photos & caption are from @shanntripp.
Did you know this? It’s OK if you didn’t, for a long time I didn't either! In fact, I spent years as a nurse recommending this medication to parents. It takes some extra effort to learn new information, and really, a new way of thinking. ☺️
BUT, I most definitely don’t want you to worry if you have given (or do give) Tylenol. This information is simply to remind you to not overdue it and hopefully help your decision-making process at home.
There will be times and circumstances that you REALLY need medication support and Tylenol may be the only option. If so, a huge help can be supplementing with vitamin C and/or glutathione!
In our home, we like to make sure medication is REALLY necessary before giving it, and if so, we always opt for Motrin (aka Ibuprofen). This can be given anytime after 6 months old. If your infant is in pain from things like teething, earaches, or an upset belly — I’m always here to help with alternatives to try first. xo ❤️
Tell us, what are some alternatives that have worked for you?
The following photo & caption are from @organic.gannett.
What is glutathione and why is it important? .
♦️As the cells in our bodies do their work, they produce waste called free radicals. Antioxidants come along and destroy and eliminate those free radicals, keeping them from damaging our DNA. This is why you will hear all those buzz phrases like “high in antioxidants” or “helps eliminate free radicals.” This chemical process is essentially what is being referred to. .
♦️Glutathione acts as an antioxidant-helping rid our bodies of unwanted toxins and waste. .
♦️Glutathione is especially active in the brain (most antioxidants are not as active in the brain)
♦️Tylenol depletes glutathione in the body, stopping our bodies natural defense to detox
♦️If you choose to immunize yourself or your children, do not give Tylenol! You are stopping their little body’s ability to rid itself of the harmful ingredients in the vaccines, all while it’s also trying to deal with the immune response taking place from the injection. .
♦️There are links between increased vaccine injury and Tylenol given before or after immunizations. .
♦️Knowing how glutathione works to detox, especially in the brain, it makes sense how encephalitis (brain swelling) and brain damage can happen when giving Tylenol with v——-s. .
Our family does not use Tylenol. It’s not even in our house. There are other, less harmful ways to lower a fever or alleviate pain. It CAN have its place, but try to use it sparingly!
*Not medical advice and as always talk to a dr you trust if you have questions.
The following photo & caption are from @naturalnursemomma.
This "safe and effective" drug is the #1 cause of liver failure, is the reason for over 78,000 ER visits every year, and causes 150 accidental deaths yearly.
...and we say it's okay during pregnancy. 🤡🤡🤡
There are many alternatives to use for pain. Fever is another topic but I will share a post I've done on that in the past.
Key point here... taking Tylenol even just here and there increases your risk for these conditions. Is it worth it? I don't think so!
This is not medical advice. Speak with your healthcare provider before changing anything. This is meant to be educational.
The following photo & caption are from @drgreenmom.
Tylenol (acetaminophen) is one of the most commonly used painkillers. It is “safe” for kids, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding.
⚠️However, just because it is “safe,” doesn’t mean that it is without side effects.
⛔️The most concerning effects of using Tylenol are liver damage and glutathione depletion.
✔️Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant. Low levels are associated with aging, increased risk of infections (including CVD19), cancer, neurological problems, diabetes, and more. Low levels of glutathione might make people more susceptible to liver damage from acetaminophen.
✔️When the liver isn’t working optimally, digestive problems and fatigue are common early signs. More serious signs of acetaminophen-induced liver damage include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, confusion, drowsiness, and coma.
You might be wondering: how can I prevent liver damage and glutathione depletion?
In today’s article, I share my favorite strategies and supplements to prevent liver damage and glutathione depletion.
🔗Link in bio to my full article!
💥Save this for later, or share it with another mama who needs it! Let me know what questions you have!
Tylenol is the most commonly used pain reliever and fever reducer. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient and it is found in more than 600 pain-relieving medications, including Tylenol.
The combo of acetaminophen being found in so many products and also widely preached as safe, has led to it becoming the number one cause of calls to Poison Control, the number one cause of acute liver failure, and accounts for approximately 56,000 emergency department visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and over 450 deaths annually. It is the most common OTC medication given to children and babies.
It is also widely used during pregnancy. Studies show that 65% of Americans take acetaminophen while pregnant. It is the primary pain reliever recommended to pregnant women. However, studies show links to Tylenol and ADHD, autism, reproductive disorders, and urinary disorders. An international committee of doctors and scientists looked at research over two decades and concluded that more caution is needed with Tylenol in pregnancy. “Just as doctors advise avoiding alcohol, caffeine and mercury during pregnancy, they should also direct pregnant patients to steer clear of acetaminophen if possible.”
💥Tylenol is widely know to reduce glutathione, our body’s most important antioxidant. Our body naturally produces glutathione to act as an antioxidant, immune modulator, inflammation control, tissue repair, and more. It is found in high amounts in the brain, which explains why studies show neurological damage with Tylenol use.
Hear me here: this post is NOT to shame anyone or make anyone feel bad about using Tylenol. You don’t know what you don’t know, and you can’t change the past. It is purely for educational purposes, making you aware of POSSIBLE side effects. Most studies conclude that periodic use and small doses of Tylenol are okay. It is the repetitive use that is most damaging. I’ve given Tylenol given the situation I was in and I don’t feel bad. Everyone’s situations are different and it’s always your call to make! Just providing the info so you can make in *informed* decision.
*see fever and Tylenol highlight for more*