I would venture to say that the topic of circumcision is one that is very polarizing for a lot of people. I've seen both sides of this argument. If you're American it seems like a no- brainer to circumcise your newborn, but what if I told you there was another side to this story?
The most common scenario usually involves a mom that doesn't want to circumcise but dad wants to so he will "look the same". I find that to be a bit of an odd reasoning because girl moms don't think the same when they have a little girl but maybe that's just me. When we found out we were having a boy this is something that popped up on my radar but to be honest, it wasn't something I even ever considered not doing before. I just thought it was something you did and never gave it much thought. There are so many moms a step ahead of me who reached out actually and gave me some insight. I have chosen not to disclose which route we took with Payson. I am VERY thankful for those mommas who have been extremely open with their decision on this topic but I will be keeping our decision private. The purpose of this post is just to give you some resources on the other side of this decision that challenge the American norm.
For what it's worth, I did ask our pediatrician and he said in his practice it's around 40% who don't circumcise and 60% who do. I have a friend in another part of TX and her pediatrician said they see more 50%/50% in their office so I would definitely say it's something that is being done less and less as time goes on. I believe America is the only place where this is routinely done to all newborn babies. Also, from what I understand, American circumcision is not the same that is done for religious beliefs.
@instinctualbirthing highlight
The following photo & caption are from @organic.gannett.
Not surprisingly, America is an outlier when it comes to civilized countries and circumcision. In fact, it is the ONLY developed country to routinely do so.
It used to be thought that circumcision was more hygienic. However, we now know that it is negligible, if at all better. At MOST, there is a 1% less chance for infection without the foreskin, but it is now believed that that could be in part due to improper care of the intact penis like forced retraction. For every 6 babies that avoid a treatable UTI, 1 will suffer complications from the procedure. The studies are also not definitive on this and many doctors argue, especially worldwide, that there is no solid evidence to support routine circumcision.
Some facts that are not religious based:
The foreskin is an extremely sensitive and erogenous part of the penis with around 20,000 of nerve endings.
It protects the head of the penis from abrasion and desensitization and also provides lubrication to the penis. It has many protective and sexual functions.
ZERO medical associations recommend routine circumcision as medically necessary.
Circumcised men are 3 times more likely to have erectile dysfunction due to a desensitized penis.
Over 100 babies die each year in the US from complications from the surgery. Many complications won’t show up until later in life and one study shows up to 7% complication rate, although the true rate of complications is unknown. The risk of needing revision surgery is 1.7%. 10% (up to 20%) of circumcised males will experience meatal stenosis.
Some complications include: bleeding (most common), infection, excessive skin removed, adhesions, and abnormal healing (this is not exhaustive).
Cortisol levels are 3-4 times higher during the procedure than immediately prior.
The most common reason a parent says they choose to circumcise is that they want their son to look like their dad or siblings. Is avoidance of an easy conversation good enough reason? Many also believe it is easier to take care of a circumcised penis. We are simply being misled on how easy it is to care for an intact male. It is no harder than a cut male.
*See highlight for more. Not medical advice*
The following photos and caption are from @lindsaytuttlenp.
A couple years ago I knew eventually I would be sharing on this topic - as a mom who was uninformed when making this decision before and is very passionate about helping others making an informed decision now.
About 2.5 years ago we were about to get a circumcision for my second son. I had never questioned this procedure prior- it’s “just what’s done”. I had worked In a hospital for 7 years so my understanding was this was a “necessary” procedure.
We were having a tough time finding a physician who would perform the procedure since we were not doing the vitamin K injection. It was at this point my lovely midwife said to me “ do you know LindsaY I am not trying to influence your decision in anyway but if you’re open to it I’d love to encourage you to watch the film American Circumcision “
I am grateful daily she was bold enough to give me the information and that documentary started a journey of me researching into this topic further, genital mutilation in males and females as well as the history of it , and the long term effects it has.
I encourage you to dive into this topic with an open mind and to be aware that like everything else i chat about, you must be your own advocate and children’s advocate because what we are told is “safe and necessary “ on a daily basis typically isn’t the full story.
If you have any questions about this post, please DM me. I’m happy to discuss.
Share and tag a friend who needs it 💗
This is for educational purposes only and if you have decided differently, there’s no judgement from me whatsoever.
If you’ve decided differently and regret it, I’m here for that too. No changing the past, so it’s not worth dwelling on! In a place where it is so standard, parents rarely get full informed consent.
I did not address religion here, but looked only at the medical side.
Lastly, I have lots of info in my two circumcision highlights!