In 2017 I had a mono flare up (that's a story for another day!) but it caused me to have a fever for several days. I didn't know any better then so I remember taking Tylenol multiple times a day to reduce the fever. I definitely would't do that now that I know more about fevers and how they are beneficial. Below are some resources that might differ from the conventional thinking of reducing fevers.

Wellness Mama Article

Shan Tripp Fever Article

@Organic.Gannett Fever Highlight

@TaylorDukesWellness Fever Highlight

@ShanTripp Fever Highlight

@ShannTripp Febrile Seizure Highlight

@Purely.Parsons Fever Highlight

@NaturalNurseMomma Febrile Seizure Highlight

@NaturalNurseMomma Fever Highlight

@Essentially.Erin Fever Highlight

@NaturalNurseMomma Fever Article

The following photo and caption are from @taylordukeswellness.

Why we do not always medicate my toddler's fever⁠⁠?
Fevers are not inherently bad. They actually are a God-given immune response. The reason why the fever is occurring in the first place is more important than the fever itself. Is it because of an ear infection, UTI, virus?⁠⁠

Some conditions do require medications and it’s important you work with your provider to determine the root cause of the fever when necessary. ⁠
My son has had viral fevers and while meds have their place, we were able to support his immune system naturally and let the fever run its course to expedite his healing process. ⁠⁠
We also choose not to default to Tylenol right away because that can deplete the body of glutathione- the body’s most powerful antioxidant. ⁠⁠It’s needed for healing and immunity.⁠
What we do to support and comfort our son when he has a fever:⁠
- Offer cooling foods such as fruit, organic cold-pressed juice, coconut water ⁠🥥⁠
- Use lemon and peppermint essential oils⁠⁠🍋⁠
- Use tofu plaster pack topically◻️ ⁠⁠
- Lukewarm water baths ⁠🛀🏼⁠
- Lots of skin to skin and snuggles 🤗⁠
- Fresh air and sunshine⁠⁠☀️⁠
- Supplements to support his immune system💊 ⁠⁠

The following photos & caption are from @awholehealthlife.

God’s design makes no mistakes. Fevers are one area of raising my kiddos that I have definitely changed my approach. 

I remember when my first born was a baby. I for sure didn’t know what I know now — in a lot of aspects. I would treat his fevers with kids Tylenol or ibuprofen. I mean, that’s what the doc said to do ;). Looking back, I do have regrets, but I am thankful for what I have learned.

My youngest has a fever today (it started yesterday), and I got a lot of questions. So I summarized our approach here in this post. Fever is our innate response to fighting a pathogen, and it helps us get better sooner! 

Here is what we do:

🤍 minimize sugar ( it’s no bueno for the immune system)
🤍 maximize real food, don’t force food down them (it’s normal to not be super hungry when sick)
🤍 tepid baths (slightly cooler than body temp)
🤍 bone broth + hydrate with water
🤍 liposomal vitamin C + manuka honey
🤍 @purelyparsons elderberry syrup
🤍 rest + stay cool (cool rags as needed)
🤍 @leefyorganics Prana (ginger + turmeric)
🤍 essential oils — so many immune boosting ones

As far as EOs, I tend to use the Touch (prediluted) rollers and put on their spines morn + night. OnGuard, Breathe, Peppermint, Frankincense, Tea Tree all are used here! I wouldn’t put those all on at once. We diffuse also. 

Tomorrow I’m making a fresh batch of bone broth and then making an immune boosting chicken noodle soup. 🍲 We also love my Immune Boosting Creamsicle Smoothie! Will put in my stories.

I personally would treat my kids if their fever was going to 103,104. 🔥 Depends on how they were acting! January of 2020 our kids got fevers hitting 104, and we treated as needed with dye free ibuprofen.

*not medical advice, per the usual. :) This is what we do in our home! 

*My code for @seeking.health this month is WHOLEHEALTHOCTOBER. For Leefy it’s MEG to save 15%. Will link up in stories. 

Be well, friends. 🙏🏼🍂

The following photo & caption is from @drelanaroumell.

Mom tells me, “I had no idea my son had a fever until I took his temperature and it it read 102F! He felt warm so I took it but he was running around happy as can be. Should I worry?” ⁣

I’ve heard this story more times than I can count. Child has a fever but you can’t even tell he’s sick! ⁣

Can you tell which child has a fever in this photo? Child 1 or 2? No you can’t! Same as any child running around. They all LOOK the same but one of them MAY have a fever. ⁣

So should we worry? ⁣

The answer: NO! ⁣

Why? ⁣

The degree of the temperature doesn’t actually tell us anything. Child 1 may have a temperature of 102F but if he has: ⁣
-no other accompanying symptoms ⁣
-mood is good⁣
-well hydrated ⁣
There is likely nothing to worry about! ⁣

Let the body warm up to help kill the bug and let your child continue being a child and do his thing. I promise. When a child is really sick he or she will show you signs. Running around and smiling is not your sign to worry! ⁣

**even though I’m a doctor I’m not YOUR doctor. This is for educational purposes only. I’m here to teach and empower. Please consult with your doctor to ensure the best care for your child. Thanks 🙏

The following photo & caption are from @drelanaroumell.

Mom asks me, “At what number should I worry when my child’s temperature is too high?” ⁣

Here is a big MYTH to bust!! The degree of the temperature does NOT MATTER!! You must be thinking I have gone nuts but Mama, this is true!! Your child’s temperature can be as high as 107 degrees Fahrenheit and not cause ANY brain damage. It needs to reach 108 until brain damage is even possible. (Jaw dropping right?!) 😯 ⁣

You don’t have to believe me. Google “Seattle Children’s Hospital •Fevers - Myths vs Facts” to learn more. ⁣

As a Doctor Mom, I invite you to redirect your focus AWAY from the actual number on the thermometer, and instead look for symptoms that may accompany your child’s fever. Here is a list to keep in mind 🤒:⁣
⁣ 👉🏻Fever with dehydration⁣ .
👉🏻Fever with a rash⁣ .
👉🏻Fever with severe ear pain⁣ .
👉🏻Fever with throat pain without a cough⁣ .
👉🏻Fever with a stiff neck
⁣ 👉🏻or Fever that lasts longer than 3-4 days⁣

If your child has a fever with one of these symptoms listed above YOU GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!! *AND BIG important point. If your child is <3 months of age with any fever (temp above 100.4F) this also warrants a doctors visit with or without accompanying symptoms. ⁣

But what if your child is older than 3 months of age and just has a fever alone without any accompanying symptoms? Maybe he or she has a fever with a runny nose…. or a fever with a cough… or a fever with fatigue… guess what Mama?!! You can safely treat your little one from home! Yay!!! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post where I share with you my 3 favorite natural fever remedies. So much to teach you Doctor Moms!! ⁣

For a deeper dive into fevers and soooo many more topics, consider getting in on our Mother’s Day Sale now through Sunday. Use code MOTHERSDAYGIFT for 30% off all guidebooks and courses. Best Mother’s Day Gift you can ask for is being a #doctormom ! Remember…. you shouldn’t worry just to worry. Be an informed Doctor Mom! ⁣#medschoolformoms

**Bookmark this post so the next time your child has a fever you can remain CALM and EMPOWERED. You got this, Mama!

The following photo & caption are from @drelanaroumell.

As a sneak peek inside what I teach in my guidebooks and courses in Med School for Moms I want to teach you my top 3 favorite natural remedies to help with FEVERS! 🤒 ⁣

There are many fever remedies that I teach my students but if I had to choose JUST 3…. here are the ones I would choose and some of their indications. Bookmark this post so when you need to refer to it you have it easily accessible or follow #medschoolformoms and they will be there! ⁣

👉🏻 BELLADONNA: a homeopathic medicine indicated for fevers that come on suddenly with high temps, red face, pupils may be dilated. A few doses of belladonna can work in minutes. Not to suppress the fever but rather, to speed up the healing process and provide your child comfort. ⁣

👉🏻 LEMON BALM: a herbal medicine that helps calm down the nervous system. It helps your child feel less restless during a fever and cools down the body. ⁣

👉🏻 ELDERBERRY: a herbal medicine that fights viruses. If your child has a fever, 7 out of 10 times it’s due to a virus. Starting anti-viral support is generally a helpful start upon immediate symptoms. ⁣

You got this Mama!! Now some reminders...⁣
📖 If you want more info on how to use these natural medicines safely, recommended amounts, when to visit your doctor, etc. consider purchasing the Doctor Mom’s MASTER GUIDEBOOK. All of the details are there and more!! *And remember, our Mother’s Day Sale is going on so for a limited time you can get 30% off! Use code MOTHERSDAYGIFT. ⁣

🍃 Also, keep in mind that my favorite remedies are always listed on my website at www.medschoolformoms.com under the medicine tab. I update the website when I find new or better options that I love. Keep in mind these are just general recommendations I’ve made with patients in the past and use with my family. **This is not intended as medical advice rather this is for educational purposes only and shared with love. 💜 Get ready soon to learn my top 3 natural medicines for COUGH! I have so much to teach you!! Get excited ;) ⁣

A temperature of 100.4 degrees F is actually considered fever so starting there means it’s a low grade fever. 🤒⠀⠀
Fevers are naturally what the body does to try and kill the bacteria or virus that’s causing us to be sick. So when our kids (or we) get a fever it’s actually ok to monitor and let the body do what it needs to do to kill the bacteria or virus. ⠀⠀
As parents you always trust your gut instinct. If your child has a fever but acting their normal happy self, it’s ok to keep them comfortable without using an actual fever reducer. It’s actually ok to monitor temperature and not intervene with a fever reducer for 24-48 hours. If your child is still acting like themselves and you can properly assess them, those are good signs. Letting the body do what it needs to do can greatly decrease the length of time your child is sick. Now if your child is very lethargic, getting dehydrated and you can’t seem to get a read on them then this is when you can give them a fever reducer. ⠀⠀
Yes, I know it can be scary to wait it out cause you’re worried about febrile seizures or if fevers can cause brain damage. Studies show that only 4% of fevers result in a seizure. The seizure is not due to a high temperature but from getting high too fast. So you can monitor but stay calm. ⠀⠀

Try some at home remedies like a tepid/lukewarm (not cold) bath with epsom salt. I like adding lemon essential oil into the salt as well. Epsom salt helps to detox the body and releases magnesium into the system as well. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer so it can help soothe aches and pains. You can even try putting apple cider vinegar on a towel and wrap their feet or place it on the spine. Most of all let your child rest, keep them hydrated with coconut water if they don’t want water and just watch for signs and symptoms.⠀
As parents we can only empower our selves with knowledge (know the red flags) and always trust your gut ❤️⠀⠀
Comment 💪🏻 below if you’ve got this and save for later for the at home fever reducing tips! ⠀



