I have no personal experience with croup as of right now but I know this will be valuable information should I need it in the future.
@EssentiallyErin_ Croup Highlight
The following photos & caption are from @essentiallyerin_.
I’ve experienced croup many times with my littles in my years of parenting and I know how scary it can be. Here is the 101 on Croup and some of the best ways I’ve found to manage it, my go to’s being steamy bathrooms and doTERRA Breathe essential oil. This was one of the first things I used oils for and it blew my mind at how well it worked to ease breathing.
Please do not consider this medical advice, rather what I do for my own children and a good starting point for you to find what works for you if you ever have to deal with Croup.
Elderberry syrup: @seattleelderberry (CODE: ERINW15) or @purelyparsons diy kits.
Vitamin C: @maryruthorganics(affiliate link in clean shop on my website. CODE: ESSENTIALLYERIN).
Mushrooms: @organic_oliviaimmune shroom
Little disclaimer, one of my children does seem to struggle with it far more than the others and we have had to make two trips to the ER in the middle of the night. I spoke with our doctor about prescribing an albuterol inhaler to have on hand in case it happens again, so we keep one at home but have not had to use it. I do not mess around with airways and I will go in if I feel the need.
Has your little experienced croup? What worked for you?
You’ve got this mama! XX
The following photos and caption are from @organic.gannett.
‘Tis the season! 🤧
So many of you have messaged me about croup and how I would handle it at home.
Hope this is helpful!
*please excuse the typos in the graphics. V tempted to delete the whole thing, but nah. We’ve got grace here for tired moms, yeah? 🤪
The following photos & caption are from @shantripp.
Who else has croup running through their family, school, day care, or friend group right now? Tis’ the season!
The good news, in general most cases of croup can be treated at home with rest, fluids, and breathing in cool air when needed. So don’t let the barky cough or noisy stridor sound scare you; *as long as it gets better when the child calms down or breathes in cold air.*
BUT if the child is showing any of these red flags, especially if they appear panicked with labored breathing and stridor noise while calm, it’s important to seek emergency care immediately.
Learning this now while you’re calm can help you make educated decisions when croup strikes, which usually happens in the night when everything seems to be worse. :)
As always follow your mama gut as you are treating and monitoring at home, this is for educational purposes only. You know your child best! 😘
Make sure you save this post to refer back to when you might need it most. xo