Last year we switched over to a biologic/holistic dentist. I have gone to a conventional dentist every 6 months for my whole life so I'm not a stranger to seeing a dentist regularly but I started to question the practices of my dentist when I began researching fluoride and the mouth/body connection. Researching the work of Weston A. Price is a really good place to start!
I got more into this after Payson was born and he had a tongue tie. We got his tie revised and since then I've just learned a lot when it comes to oral health from a non-conventional approach.
What does this mean? Well in general terms, it means a focus on airway, nutrition, whole body health, gut health, lifestyle, stress, etc... It questions root canals, doesn't utilize fluoride, possibly uses hydroxyapatite, uses homeopathy to help with x-rays exposure, remineralizes teeth, SMART mercury filling removal, etc....
A biologic/holistic dentist isn't waving a magic wand around and chanting to fix someone's teeth- quite the opposite actually! Our dentist uses some pretty neat technology in her office!
I'm going to link some dental resources here and I'm happy to share my experience with the switch as well.
@EmpoweredMamaMovement on Instagram is probably one of my favorite resources. She's a hygienist who shares SO much information. I would suggest checking out her page and all of her highlights!
Are you Menstrual Episode with Dr. Blodgett
The Period Party Tongue Tie Episode
International Academy of Biological Dentists Website
International Academy of Oral Dentistry and Toxicology
Doing it Different Podcast Episode
Natural Nurse Momma Fluoride Highlight
Dr. Lindsey Elmore Show Podcast Episode
Organic.Gannett Fluoride Highlight
Realfoodology Dr. Staci Episode
Breathe by James Nestor
The Dental Diet by Dr. Steven Lin
This year we switched over to a biological dentist. Payson had his first visit a few months ago and we had a great experience. I figured I’d share a bit about this type of dentistry here.
My dentist actually wrote out an article on her page so I’m going to summarize a few points from that. Biological dentists are not some woo woo dentists who think they can fill cavities with herbs. Bio. dentists go to conventional dental school just like every other dentist but they then do additional training to become certified biological.
- The focus of bio. dentistry is all about the root cause. They clean, fill, pull teeth and do other normal dental procedures but they are more concerned with what caused the issues in the first place. They are able to patch issues but they’d also like to address why it happened in the first place.
- They focus on biocompatibility. Everyone reacts differently to different chemicals/materials. They still use anesthetic, bonding agents, filling materials, porcelain, etc.... but before introducing those materials to your body they test first to determine compatibility.
- They are very airway focused. So much about what breaks down in the mouth is caused by an inadequate airway. When you have a good airway, your body can also detox better when you DO have toxic exposures. Conventional dentistry teaches to put a nightguard on a patient who grinds and clenches their teeth. Biological dentistry teaches that the grinding, clenching, gritting, snoring and sleep apnea all go together. They are all arms of the same beast, which is airway inadequacy. A nightguard is only a bandaid. It doesn't fix the root cause issue of airway inadequacy. So why would we want to just put a bandaid on a problem when they could fix it for good?
- Nutrition is also a big focus. They go over your diet & make recommendations when things need to be tweaked. My dentist is all about the Weston A. Price way of life. 🙌🏻
- Bio. dentistry is big on minimizing toxins which is a big reason I switched from my conventional dentist. Some are SMART certified which means they are specially trained to take out an old filling safely so as to not cause more harm. They also do not use fluoride at all or recommend products that contain it. They also use homeopathy to combat the effects of radiation from x-rays.
- They work with myofunctional therapists before doing surgery as well to make sure surgery is a last resort- especially before releasing oral ties.
- A properly trained bio. dentist is certified through the IAOMT AND IABDM. You should ask your local crunchy mom group for recommendations and can search for one online through the associations as well.
- Medical freedom and education are also huge components. My dentist gave me a list of several books to read to educate myself on various topics at my first visit. They believe the patient should educate themselves so they can make the best choices for their own body. They want you to know all the pros and cons.
This is not an exhaustive list but just a few things that make this type of dentistry different in general. Some conventional dentists might adopt some of these practices also and there are probably also some bad bio. dentists out there as with every profession.
Hope this was a helpful overview though! If you’re local and need a recommendation I’m happy to share our dentist!
The following photos and caption are from @dranamariatemple.
🦷 What toothpaste should kids use? 🦷 Joint Post @dranamariatemple@doctor_staci
Let’s take a look at the ingredients of concern (SLIDE 2)
🪥 Artificial Food Coloring - toothpaste does not need to be blue
🪥 Triclosan which is a pesticide
🪥 Charcoal due to its ability to damage enamel
🪥 Sodium Laurel Sulfate - can cause canker sores in a lot of people
🪥 Titanium Dioxide - a recent study from the European Union’s top food safety agency stated that titanium dioxide should no longer be considered safe as a food additive, citing its ability to damage DNA.
🪥 Excessive essential oils can strip the mouth of good bacteria and irritate the gums
What about Fluoride? Dr. Vivian Chen and Doctor Staci @doctor_staci summarized this beautifully on slides 3, 4, and 5.
Before you totally stress, let’s take a look at ingredients we love: Slides 7 and 8
👉 Hydroxyapatite - strengthens teeth and in clinical studies, it is as effective as fluoride
👉 Bentonite Clay - an alkaline polisher that is not too abrasive for teeth
👉 Xylitol - in small amounts it reduces the amount of bacteria in the mouth
👉 Baking Soda - its alkalinity helps rebalance the pH in our mouths and provides a happy environment for our oral microbiome
✅ Lastly, take a look at the approved toothpaste by @doctor_staci
The following photos & caption are from @Organic.Gannett.
For years we’ve known fluoride is a neurotoxin. Numerous studies have linked fluoride with developmental delays and other cognitive impairment in kids. It is also known to cause skeletal fluorosis (accumulation in the bones), thyroid issues, and may be linked to certain cancers.
Fluoride is widely used still and pushed to help prevent cavities. It is added to most public water, used in dental offices, and is found in most toothpastes. Most processed foods and drinks also contain fluoride due to the fluoridated water used.
What if there was a substance that achieved what fluoride does for teeth but wasn’t harmful?
**enter hydroxyapatite**
HAp is a great alternative that is SAFE and has very similar, if not better results than fluoride. In fact, many countries have been using it over fluoride for years, like Japan.
We switched to RiseWell toothpaste several years ago and so far, no cavities! Clean ingredients and uses HAp as a main cavity preventative. You can use code GANNETT10 to save some money.
Flip through the slides to read more!
The following photo & caption are from @environmentaltoxinsnerd.
Short answer: no
The CDC hails water fluoridation as one of the “top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century”.
However, data from the World Health Organization shows that’s there’s no discernible difference in tooth decay rates between countries that fluoridate their water and those that don’t.
Yeah, go read that last sentence again.
Fluoride ingestion has been linked to:
👎🏻 hypothyroidism
👎🏻 neurotoxicity
👎🏻 dental fluorosis (a mottling, pitting, or weakening of the teeth)
👎🏻 kidney damage
👎🏻 increased hip fractures
👎🏻 osteosarcomas
👎🏻 arthritis
👎🏻 lowered IQ in children
On the periodic table of elements, fluorine (which fluoride is derived from) falls in the "halide" column, along with bromine, chlorine, and iodine. All halogens share similar properties. All of these compounds and chemicals derived from them disrupt thyroid function.
Iodine, at the right levels, can be helpful. The others, not so much. In fact, fluorine, chlorine, and bromine compete with iodine receptors in the thyroid.
The ONLY benefit of fluoride is topical application - although even then I urge caution, as do most biological dentists.
Instead, use oral care products like @risewellco which relies on hydroxyapatite, a totally non-toxic mineral that has proven to be just as, if not more effective than fluoride.
Use the promo code LARA10 to get 10% off your Risewell order - grab the link in my bio!
If you're looking for some great dentists here on IG, check out: